Blood Donation Camp Organized at Galgotias University

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The School of Nursing Education at Galgotias University organized a blood donation camp today to promote the culture of philanthropy and contribute to the welfare of the community. The objective of this event was to encourage both students and faculty to participate in this noble cause, thereby strengthening the values of empathy, social responsibility, and community engagement.

The blood donation camp was meticulously planned and successfully executed in collaboration with professionals from the Rotary Club, Greater Noida Trust. The camp provided students with an opportunity to contribute to the welfare of society and help assist the underprivileged. Through their participation, students learned the importance of giving back to the community.

This event encouraged teamwork and camaraderie among students. Many students voluntarily assisted in organizing the camp, thereby enhancing their organizational and leadership skills. The collective effort in establishing and managing the camp fostered a sense of unity among students.

Blood donation benefits not only the recipient but also the donor. It helps regulate blood circulation, reduces the risk of certain diseases, and maintains healthy iron levels. Participating students received health benefits in exchange for their altruistic deeds. Students expressed happiness in being donors, realizing that it could save someone’s life.

Mr. Mallikarjun Babu, Vice-Chancellor, praised the contribution of student donors in making the blood donation camp successful and highlighted the University’s commitment to community welfare.

Prof. Avdhesh Kumar, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Galgotias University, emphasized the importance of fostering altruistic sentiments among the youth for the nation’s welfare.

Ms. Aradhana Galgotia, Director of Operations at Galgotias University, expressed profound satisfaction upon witnessing the students’ philanthropic spirit during the blood donation camp.

Dr. Dhruv Galgotia, CEO, emphasized the significance of community service as part of the curriculum and commended the organization of blood donation camps, highlighting their crucial role in saving lives.

The University expresses gratitude to the President of Rotary Club Greater Noida, Mr. Nakul Jain, Mr. Saurabh Bansal, and Mr. Atul Jain for their heartfelt contributions.

Dean, Professor (Dr.) Lekha Bisht, commended students for their dedicated participation in community welfare activities.

Associate Professor Sonia Singh of the School of Nursing expressed deep conviction that the blood donation camp at Galgotias University symbolizes the institution’s core values, promoting a culture of compassion, unity, and selfless service for the welfare of society.

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