Fictitious allegations being propagated by #PPMAI against Indian stainless steel industry: #ISSDA

Fictitious allegations being propagated by PPMAI against Indian stainless steel industry: ISSDA

 New Delhi, 25th April, 2016: The Indian Stainless Steel Development Association (ISSDA) is the apex representative body for the domestic stainless steel industry and seeks to promote the use of stainless steel in all walks of like. It also takes up with the government various issues which have a direct bearing on the functioning of the stainless steel industry. In response to the malicious propaganda being spread by bodies like Plant and Process Manufacturing Association of India (PPMAI), ISSDA would like to counter this deliberate campaign of misinformation.

“Certain vested interests are spreading false rumours regarding the so called “excessive protectionism” to steel companies” said N.C. Mathur, President-ISSDA. Stainless steel flat products are completely outside the ambit of Minimum Import Price (MIP) and the people making such wild allegations must examine facts before indulging in such acts, added Mr. Mathur.

ISSDA would like reiterate that there are currently no safeguard measures in place on stainless steel flat products and as such ISSDA fails to understand why complete non-issues are being put on centre stage and why the domestic stainless steel industry is being vilified in the public domain without any ostensible reason.

Mr. Mathur said, “What is also interesting to note is that bodies like PPMAI have a very flawed understanding of anti-dumping law which is well reflected in the irresponsible statements being issued by such bodies. Anti-Dumping is not an instrument of protectionism but a safeguard against unfair trade practices like dumping. There is a well defined law and procedure in place for conduct of anti-dumping investigations and there is absolutely no question of any conflict with either WTO norms or the Indian law in the conduct of such investigations.”

It is noteworthy here that the domestic stainless steel industry is producing all possible grades for wide ranging applications and any allegation regarding non-availability of commonly used grades is either based on complete ignorance of facts or is being done with a deliberate intent to malign the domestic industry.

ISSDA is categorical that as a result of repetitive dumping being indulged in by countries having surplus capacity, a large number of small scale units in the unorganized sector (also referred to as the patta patti sector) had closed down. ISSDA dismisses any allegations of monopoly as besides major players in the organized sector like SAIL, JSL, BRG and Shah Alloys, the unorganized sector also had a substantial presence in the country.

“Had there been a situation of monopoly, all these units would not have been incurring such huge losses. Further, as the pioneering body for the development of stainless steel industry in the country, we welcome any player who wants to enter this market and set up manufacturing facilities in this country which will also contribute towards the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s Make in India initiative”, said Mr. Mathur.

ISSDA is of the view that PPMAI is a user association and for the Domestic Stainless Steel Industry, it is always the user interest which is uppermost. It appears that the user association is being influenced by overseas suppliers to further their own interests in this country. ISSDA requests to all such overseas suppliers to come and set up manufacturing facilities within the country if they really want to serve the interest of the users instead of trying to malign the domestic industry and raising question marks on our established institutions like DGAD, DGS, Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Finance.  All interested parties (including overseas suppliers) are provided equal and ample opportunity to participate in anti-dumping investigations and they are free to make such submissions/representations as they deem fit. As a responsible body, ISSDA does not consider it appropriate to pass comments on ongoing investigations by DGAD/DGS as we have faith on our established institutions.


ISSDA members include over 170 companies which comprises of manufacturers and major users of stainless steel. Amongst the major players Steel Authority of India Limited, Jindal Stainless Limited, BRG Iron and Steel, Sunflag Iron and Steel, Mukand Corp Ltd. , Shah Alloys and Viraj Profiles.




The Indian Stainless Steel Development Association (ISSDA) is the pioneer body for the growth and development of the stainless steel industry in India. With all leading manufacturers of stainless steel flat and long products as its members, it has been at the centre stage of all efforts aimed at promoting the application of stainless steel in all walks of life. From time to time, it has also taken up various issues (which have a bearing on the Indian Stainless Steel Industry) at different forums.


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