GIMS Partners with Dynamic India Infonet to Enhance Behavioral Skills Training

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Greater Noida, June 20, 2024: Greater Noida’s GNIOT Institute of Management Studies (GIMS) and Dynamic India Infonet Pvt. Ltd. have formalized a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to embark on a transformative partnership. This alliance aims to integrate comprehensive behavioral skills training into the academic framework of GIMS, facilitated by the expertise of Dynamic India Infonet Pvt. Ltd., led by renowned corporate trainer and motivational speaker, Sonu Sharma.

The MOU signing ceremony, held at the premises of GNIOT Institute of Management Studies, was attended by key stakeholders and dignitaries from both institutions. This strategic partnership is poised to enrich the educational experience at GIMS by equipping students with essential soft skills crucial for their professional journey. The focus will encompass enhancing communication skills, fostering leadership abilities, nurturing teamwork dynamics, and cultivating adaptability—attributes considered indispensable in today’s competitive landscape.

Dr. Bhupendra Kumar Som, Director of GNIOT Institute of Management Studies, expressed his optimism about the collaboration, emphasizing its potential to augment the holistic development of students. “Through this partnership, we envision bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application,” remarked Dr. Som. “Integrating behavioral skills training into our curriculum will empower our students to excel not only academically but also in their careers.”

Dynamic India Infonet Pvt. Ltd., renowned for its proficiency in professional training and development solutions, brings a wealth of experience to this initiative.

Sonu Sharma, Institute Head at Dynamic India Infonet Pvt. Ltd., articulated his enthusiasm for the collaboration, stating, “We are delighted to join hands with GNIOT Institute of Management Studies in this endeavor. Our goal is to implement robust parameters for behavioral skills training, tailored to meet the evolving needs of students and the industry.”

The partnership aims to create a structured framework wherein students will benefit from workshops, seminars, and specialized courses designed by Dynamic India Infonet Pvt. Ltd. These initiatives will be integrated into the academic calendar of GIMS, ensuring a seamless blend of theoretical learning with practical skill development.
As part of the MOU, both institutions have committed to ongoing collaboration in curriculum enhancement, faculty development programs, and joint research initiatives. The synergy between academia and industry expertise is expected to foster innovation and create a conducive learning environment that prepares students for the complexities of the global workforce.

This collaboration holds promise not only for the current cohort of students but also for future aspirants seeking a well-rounded educational experience. By emphasizing behavioral skills alongside academic prowess, GIMS and Dynamic India Infonet Pvt. Ltd. aim to set new benchmarks in the field of management education.

In concurrence with the MOU signing, a one-day faculty development program was organized, underscoring the commitment to academic excellence and innovation. Mr. Sonu Sharma led insightful discussions on the challenges and solutions within the teaching-learning process, emphasizing the widening gap between theoretical knowledge and practical business acumen. Attendees, comprising faculty members and administrative staff, actively engaged with Mr. Sharma, seeking his expert insights on optimizing educational methodologies.

Swadesh Kumar Singh, CEO of GIMS, extended a warm welcome to Sonu Sharma during the faculty development program, acknowledging the significance of this collaborative effort. “This initiative is pivotal in fostering comprehensive student development,” remarked Mr. Singh. “GIMS remains steadfast in its commitment to pioneering innovative, multidimensional approaches for the benefit of our students.”

Dr. Rajesh Gupta, Chairman, and Gaurav Gupta, Vice Chairman of GIMS, commended the collaboration as a milestone achievement, emphasizing its potential to empower students for a successful future.
The faculty development program, facilitated by Professor Silky Gaur, concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by Dr. Shalini Sharma, highlighting the collective dedication towards advancing educational paradigms.

This alliance between GNIOT Institute of Management Studies and Dynamic India Infonet Pvt. Ltd. signifies a progressive step towards enhancing educational standards and preparing students to excel in a globally competitive landscape. Moving forward, both institutions remain committed to fostering innovation, academic rigor, and holistic student development.


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