Monthly Data on India’s International Trade in Services for the month of January 2022

Ten News Network

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Mumbai (03/03/2022): The value of exports and imports of services during January 2022 is given in the following Table:

International Trade in Services
(US$ Million)
Month Receipts (Exports) Payments (Imports)
October – 2021 19,845
November – 2021 20,136
December – 2021 25,306
January – 2022 21,572
Notes: (i) Data are provisional; and
(ii) Figures in brackets are growth rates over corresponding month’s data which have been revised on the basis of balance of payments statistics released on June 30, 2021.


Monthly data on services are provisional and are likely to undergo revision when the Balance of Payments (BoP) data are released on a quarterly basis.

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