Neighbour stabs woman to death over water in Nuh

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Gurgaon : A 29-year-old woman was allegedly killed on Monday afternoon in Nuh village, after she had a quarrel with one of her neighbours over water.

 Villagers said the quarrel took place when a water tanker arrived in the locality and the victim insisted she be allowed to fill water first, upon which, she had an argument with a local. As the argument flared up, the enraged neighbour stabbed the victim to death with a knife, and immediately fled from the spot. “The woman had a quarrel over who would fill water first from the tanker. When it turned ugly, the accused took out a knife from his pocket and stabbed her. She bled profusely and died soon after,” said a villager.
Locals said quarrels over water are not new in the area. “Sometimes, people have to wait for 2-3 hours to fill their buckets. Those who bring more buckets, or want to fill theirs first, are generally the ones who engage in quarrels. This is because water tankers rarely come to this area,” said a woman who lives in the village.
According to police, the victim died on the spot. The body was later taken to a hospital for autopsy. “A case was registered and a probe is on,” said a cop. Located about 45 km away from Gurgaon, Nuh has been facing a water crisis for the last month. Most residents are dependent on water tankers for potable water. Reportedly, the ground water level here has fallen by over 200m in last 15 years.
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