Peoples Party of India (Democratic) concludes the Bhartiya Samvidhan Samman Suraksha and Samvardhan program

Ten News Network

New Delhi: Although the Constitution of India provides for the socio, economic and political justice and equality of opportunity and status, the major political party’s viz. Congress and BJP who have ruled nation for the last 70 years have miserably failed to deliver either. More than thirty thousand farmers have committed suicide due to farm distress. Although 65% population survive for their livelihood on agriculture sector, it is completely ignored by the government headed by both the parties. More than five crores youths are on the live register seeking jobs. There is no uniform school education in India and the students from rural and poor background will not be able to with stand in the race of life. The socially neglected sections of the society are suffering. The privatization is affecting the socially neglected sections. Higher education has been privatized as the State is abdicating its responsibility. The deserving Backward classes students are not in a position to register for higher education. The governments led by both the parties have never bothered to enact laws and frame policies so as to bring socio-economic equality as per the objectives of the Constitution. They have miserably failed to establish welfare State as envisioned by the Constitution of India.

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar while delivering his famous speech in the Constituent Assembly on 26/11/1949 cautioned that the political democracy if not used to establish social and economic democracy, the very same people who will be deprived of their socio-economic rights will blow up the structure of political democracy which the Constituent Assembly has laboriously built. It is under this socio-economic background and caution from Dr. Ambedkar we have formed Peoples Party of India (Democratic) in December 2017 to provide socio-economic justice to the people.

We as a political party shall ensure representation by reservation in all walks of public employment including superior judiciary. We shall give precedence to the public sector over private sector. Women in this country represent 50% population of the country. We shall therefore provide 50% reservation to women in all walks of life. There are problems of manual scavenging. The people engaged in this profession have been denied their basic human rights. Our party shall ensure to do away with it by mechanization. The Crime rate against women is quite high. Rapes have risen by 88% since 2007 whereas conviction rate is abysmally low.

The Peoples Party of India (Democratic) shall ensure the fulfillment of the constitutional objectives for the citizens, particularly for the members of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and Religious Minorities and to achieve these objectives the party has launched the Bhartiya Samvidhan Samman Suraksha and Samvardhan (BS-4) program throughout India from First January, 2019. The party is holding the first phase concluding program on Sunday, 24th February 2019, 11:00 AM at Yamuna Sports Complex, Surajmal Vihar, Delhi.

The Peoples Party of India (Democratic) shall

Oppose the reservation to Economically Weaker Section as it destroys the basic structure of the Constitution and would insist on the principle of “Social Backwardness” as criteria for reservation.

Provide adequate representation by reservation in Promotion to the members of the Other Backward Classes.

Provide adequate representation by reservation to the members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes and Religious Minorities in the Private sector.

Constitute All India Judicial Service as per Article 312(1) of the Constitution of India.

Provide adequate representation by reservation in the Superior Judiciary to the members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes and Religious Minorities.

Provide adequate representation by reservation in the Defense Services to the members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes and Religious Minorities.

Provide adequate representation in the Higher Posts as well as Political Posts such as Vice Chancellors/HOD/ Directors/Governors/Ambassadors/Tribunals to the members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes and Religious Minorities.

Provide adequate representation by reservation in the sports to the members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes and Religious Minorities.

Provide adequate representation by reservation in all courses.

Promote nationalization to achieve the objectives of the Constitution.

Deletion of reference of 50% ceiling from Article 16(4-B) of the Constitution.

Status of Women

The Peoples Party of India (Democratic) shall take adequate measures:-

50% share to women in all public institutions as per constitutional mandate.

All crimes against women shall be investigated by the women officer as well as shall be adjudicated by the women judges.


The Party shall take adequate measures for:

Appointment of employees on regular basis.

Abolition of outsourcing of jobs and contract system.

Equal employment opportunities under the scheme of the Constitution.

Making provisions of Minimum wages to labor as per price index and ensure dignity of labor.

Review Trade Union Act.

Regularization of Safai Karmcharies.

Restoration of Pension Scheme.

Strict enforcement of Employment Exchange Act and no appointment by any public or private entity without reference to the Employment Exchanges.

Establishment of Cooperative Institutions to generate employment.


The party shall take adequate measures for:

Nationalization of education

Introduction of common syllabus at all levels of education

Compulsory education of the Constitution of India at all levels.

Payment of Scholarship amount as per price index to the members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes and Religious Minorities.

Simplification of Procedure for educational loan.


The Peoples Party of India (Democratic) shall educate the masses and expose the Congress as well as the BJP. The party shall fight for the cause of the marginal farmers and agriculture laborers and shall take adequate measures for:

Higher outlay for agriculture sector.

Establishing the cooperative societies to restrict further fragmentation of land.

Consolidation of land.

Redistribution of land to the marginal farmers and landless labourers.

Formation of State Agriculture Corporations and generate more employments in the agriculture sector.

Providing agriculture implements and quality seeds to enhance productivity.

Minimum support price to farmers as per Swaminathan Commission report.

Review of Land Ceiling Act.

Encouraging Food Processing Industry.

Social inequality and Atrocities

The Party shall take adequate measures for:

Strict implementation of The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989.

Extend the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 to the Other Backward Classes.

Atrocities against SC/ST and OBC’s shall be investigated by the officers from these communities.

Fast track exclusive Courts shall be established in all districts to try cases of atrocities against SCs/STs/OBCs/ Minorities.

Sanitation, Housing & Health

The party shall take adequate measures for:

Rationalization of health sector.

Free health care for all citizens.

Free housing for persons below poverty line under Art.21 of the Constitution as right to life means right to dignified life.

Sanitation facility and elimination of open defecation.

Economic Policies

The Party shall take adequate measures for:

Preference to Public sector over private sector for capital formation of the Nation.

Promotion of co-operative farming.

Establishments of co-operative institutions to generate employment

Minimum Support Price for farmers according to Swaminathan Commission report

Encouragement of Food processing Industry.

Encouragement of growth and development of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises.

Nationalization of Trusts having asset of Rs.100 Cr. & above.

Banning sale of Government properties to the private sector.

Welfare Measures

The Party shall take adequate measures for:

Free Domestic water for all.

Free Domestic Light up to 100 unit for all.

Free health care for all citizens.

Free houses for Persons below poverty line.

Enumeration of Caste Census especially of Other Backward Classes and Religious Minorities to ascertain their population to provide them State support in the ratio of their population.

Enforcement of Schedule V and VI for Scheduled Tribes.

Improvement of living conditions of families below poverty line& on the poverty line.

Alternative System to Mid-Day Meal as it engages teachers and deprives the students from the quality education.

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