Prof. Ramesh K. Goyal, VC – DPSRU talks on Ignorance of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee in Hospitals in a webinar by Lloyd Institute

Lloyd Institute of Management and Technology (Pharm.) organized its fourth webinar series yesterday on “Ignorance of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee in Hospitals in the Management of Covid-19: A Possible Cause of Rampant Deaths”  under the guidance of Dr. Vandana Arora Sethi, Group Director of Lloyd Group of Institutions

The institute received 600+ registrations from Institutions like DPSRU, New Delhi, Jamia Hamdard, K.I.E.T, Amity University, and more.

The session was started by emphasizing on a question that is quite general in the current era of COVID-19 situation: what we understand about the role of pharmacy. Prof. Goyal shared his deep insights about how pharmacy covers the entire health care, few interesting pharmacy facts, and threw some light on the present scenario dealing with the molecular diagnostic market. The topic of Characteristic of COVID-19 and its testing was put together very well where he also shed some light on the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 infection and how the antibody profile beyond this period is to be determined. On moving forward we came across the different treatment theories and sudden surge in the medical device market.

Later, he talked about the role of the pharmacists in hospitals, Collaborative Drug Therapy Management that is the relationship between the patient, pharmacist & physician. National Accreditation for Hospital & Healthcare Providers (NABH) & Management of Medication (MOM) was very well explained. To him the next question was put to give some serious thought about, on Clinical Pharmacists and their role in hospitals and what could be his roles in Hospitals? Do Hospitals in India have them? What do we feel about the roles of Pharmacist in prevention; treatment and management of COVID -19 could be better that Doctor? He also spoke on the Pharmacological view-point on the Treatment of COVID-19 and Pharmacy Therapeutic Committee (PTC) & their Organization and operation in detail.
The final minutes of the session were given on the Ayurveda and its remedies for COVID-19 following with his quote towards the end of the session

“We all have to work together and stay together with Doctors and Nurses. Do not debate of Right, Reputation or Recognition, Instead work for Patient’s Rights, Earn Reputation of Good Professional Secure Recognition by Work,” said Prof. Ramesh K. Goyal

The session was followed by a questionnaire session where various intriguing and futuristic development of successful treatment options were asked. Few questions related to PCT and Clinical Pharmacist was put forward. Prof. Goyal took great interest and shared his valuable insights regarding that. It was very informational for the students as well as professors. The session was concluded with the note on how we can perform our responsibilities towards this pandemic crisis along with our other duties towards everyone’s betterment.

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