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Ryan International School, Greater Noida addressing the motto of Excellence in Education and All Round Development of children elected its students parliament of the session of 2016-2017. The 30 member parliament consisting of 6 core council members as President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Speaker and Deputy               Speaker and 24 Ministers representing 12 Ministries and their 12 “Ministers of State” took the responsibilities of the portfolios with great zeal.  Our guests for the occasion Col Anupam Jain, Commanding Officer in 31 UP Girls BN, NCC, did the honours of christening the School Parliament for session 2016-17, and encouraged and motivated them with their words to discharge their duties with utmost sincerity.Adit Jain was elected as PRESIDENT along with VICE PRESIDENT –Archisha Singh, PRIME MINISTERVatsala Paritosh, DEPUTY PRIME MINISTER– Tanisha Agarwal SPEAKERSandeep Ganesh, DEPUTY SPEAKER–  Nandane Bhattacharjee  along with 24 cabinet ministers and state ministers –  Education Minister- RUSHIL EducationMINISTER STATE- DURGA KALYANI, CULTURAL MINISTER-Akanksha Singh , CULTURAL MINISTER STATE-  Muskan Pandey , TRANSPORT MINISTER- Rajeev Bhati, TRANSPORT MINISTER(STATE)Dev Narayan Roy, HOME MINISTER-Shivang Gupta, HOME MINISTER STATE-  Khubi Kumar, ENVIRONMENT MINISTER-Mrinal Vij, ENVIRONMENT MINISTER STATE-  Kalash Singhal, HRD MINISTER- Khushi Gadodia, HRD MINISTER STATE-  Sakshi Mavi, IT MINISTER-  Aditya Bansal, IT MINISTER STATE-Siddhant Sharon,  SPORTS MINISTER  Akshay Chauhan, SPORTS MINISTER STATE-Sayantam Mazumdar EXTERNAL AFFAIRS MINISTER– Anshu SharmaEXTERNAL AFFAIRS MINISTER STATE  Anshuman Chakraborthy , HEALTH AND NUTRITION MINISTER  Shrilatha, HEALTH AND NUTRITION MINISTER STATE  Pratishtha Sharma, HOSPITALITY AND PR MINISTER– Kanupriya SharmaHOSPITALITY AND PR MINISTER STATE– Deepika PothaleSCIENCE AND TECH. MINISTER STATE– Koushik RajeshSCIENCE AND TECH. MINISTER  Harshita Pothiraj. The School Council Members thanked their mentors Chairman Dr. Augustine F. Pinto and Managing Director Madam Grace Pinto for their encouragement  and granting them with the  opportunities to shoulder responsibilities.  They promised to honour  towards the school flag and to work with sincerely and dedication in discharging their duties.

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