Venu Sharma introduces platform ‘Myantharathma’ to discuss ways for good governance!

Vishal Malhotra (Photo/Video) By Lokesh Goswami Ten News Delhi :

New Delhi (10/01/2019) : Venu Sharma, a Mangalore based management and business consultant, is the brains behind ‘’.

With an aim to improve the communication between the governments, voters, as well as the media, a platform titled ‘’ has been launched where the learned men and women from the society can share their thoughts and ideas towards making India a better country.

The objective behind the launch of this platform is to start a discourse amongst people, media and the policymakers so that everyone works towards laying the right foundation of a big picture of India. ‘Myantharathma’ also aims at making such voices heard by the policymakers for healthy two-way communication.

According to Venu, as a developing nation, India has to have a strong base for it a complex country. “Compared to the other small developed nations, India is more complex in nature as it has a diversified culture with different languages, castes, complexions, emotions, urban-rural differentiation, rich-poor impropriety, gender discrimination, multiple religions, etc. In total, India is a more ‘complex’ nation. Therefore, it is a collective duty of the society to work in the process of nation-building,” states Venu, who hails from Kasaragod, Kerala. has laid out 9-Plus important areas with the support of which a nation is to be built. There is a need for a vision-driven approach from the policymakers and the other pillars of the democracy to work on the various social and economic front. There are policies and rules for a few sectors but are old and outdated or they are no more in practice. Hence, ‘Myantharathma’ wishes to give a platform to the sound minded people where they can debate upon issues concerning the nation and make their voices heard.

The 9+ point agenda for the discourse are Agro Sector, Bank & Finance, Education, Automobile, Pharma-Health-Hospital, Manufacturing & Trading, Social Issues, System-Process & Good Governance with Transparency, and International Relations & Patriotism. The visitors can talk about any of these topics to start a discussion and reach a genuine conclusion.

“I strongly believe that destiny alone can’t drive human beings to work honestly and perfectly for national well-being. A clear policy, planning, blueprint, architectural wisdom, management process and SWOT analysis only can make any work neat and accurate. The Industry leaders must start meeting together and derive policies with wider vision and execution roadmap.”

While speaking to Ten News Venu said,

“We need to address our youth throwing light upon our national heritage and epics with modern management mantras. We should inspire them at the local level on productivity. We should teach them TQM, KIZAN – the best management mantras. Tell our young next-gen kids to look into Indian heritage, Vedas, etc,”.

With General Elections fast approaching, it becomes imperative to discuss how the incumbent government has performed and on what fronts it has lived up the expectations of the voters. A debate what should also be held on what must the way forward for the political parties as they start to work on their vision documents/poll manifestos for polls.

Venu says that the 9 plus role out is only a biging and it has to be discussed beyond politics and specific industry toppers should start discussing this agenda.

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