Youth from North Eastern states must move towards entrepreneurship, aim to become employers

Ten News Network

With the world moving more towards entrepreneurship and new skill development, best and brightest North Eastern youth need to wean them away from obsession of IAS/ IPS/ IFS / state CS officers. New goldmine is in entrepreneurial world.

To me some promising north east entrepreneurs are heroes and achievers and role models for new India, New North East. And to me are far ahead in overall societal contribution than many successful IAS/ IPS/ IFS. Unfortunately, crazy for British era civil services ( now UPSC examinations), whose main moto was to collect taxes and to keep citizens under control during their rule, are dreamy ‘ideal powerful’ career option for middle class, small towns / remote rural/ tribal areas, where they see young DCs and SSP in their initial stage of life.
But on the contrary, brightest youth from developed states like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala, Punjab, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu do not sit for UPSC examination. Instead, mostly they go for IIT, IIM, have excellent stint in worlds’ best giant companies and then start entrepreneurships of their own volition.

My short stint as IGP in Gujarat during election confirmed this phenomenon. Even in my batch, I did not had any young IAS / IPS from Gujarat, very few from these developed states. No wonder today, most of top young successful entrepreneurs are from these states, both in India and in abroad.

Whereas, in North East states, the best and brightest mostly obsess with white collars jobs and put their best efforts and get into white collar jobs through UPSC or state civil services, yes, initially they get a lot of accolades when they are selected , thereafter fade into oblivion with secure job in comfort zone of job security. All lofty initial dreams are somehow eroded due to twists and turns while serving in the line of duties , waiting whole life…..hoping for someday to make it to top – CS, DGP, CC, FC, FS etc.

Unfortunately, recent trend of massive North Eastern youth migration to cities for menial private jobs after jiffy skill trainings resulting into flooded job markets in unorganised sectors, leading to many endemic woes, exploitations, mostly left to fend themselves in cities.

What is worrying me is that still the best and brightest NE youth need to change this trend for their better career advancement for larger societal contribution. These best and the brightest need to focus on new road map towards new emerging gold mine – entrepreneurship world of opportunities through IIT, NEET, MBA or even through professional short courses in recognized institutes.

Moreover, with now government special focus for holistic basic development of north east states, there is huge opportunities for promising bright youth. If the best and brightest of NE states rejag their obsession from highly dignified secure job and focus in the entrepreneurship, not only back homes but even in cities, than, we can turn our NE region from cheap lowly menial employees supplier to such cities that can be focal centre of opportunities and employers.

So, after thread bare discussion with young successful entrepreneurs from Gujarat, Punjab, Delhi and NRIs from USA, UK both from mainland and NE states, what is the magic strategy required by these ‘would be bright entrepreneurs’ are –
• Know the entrepreneurship skill through proper education,
• Learn knitty gritty of running business with stint in some branded MNC or successful Indian companies,
• Have hand holding experiences in human resources, finance
• Supply chain,
• Marketing strategy,
• Upgradation of the men and machines
• Have continuous corporate networking for entrepreneurship advancement
And there are many North Eastern pioneers that set the right example. Its promising and exemplary road map for future bright NE entrepreneurs by seeing these successful NE pioneer entrepreneurs like-

* Chuba Manan Jamir having chain of eateries in Delhi,
* ArupJyoti Gogoi having his IT firm in many European countries ,
* Takhe Rita running successfully – NAARA ABBA, first India’s kibi wine factory,
* Christina Tayeng running specialized wedding planner / flower decoration for whos who in 5 star hotels,
* Haokip running mobile eateries in USA,
* Toko Tatung Prakash running successfully chain of hotels through popular brand E & K.
* James Dhkar leading NE weaving and textile entrepreneur.
* Achita Ray, leading poultry and hatchery farm entrepreneur.
* Janessaline M Pyngtrope having popular Ethnic Fashion production.
* Sonam Choden Bhatia fame Sikkim Chocolate.
* Jonathan Burner, branding entrepreneur for MNCs.

So, now in order to motivate more NE talent to take the road of entrepreneurship, there is a GOLD MEDAL for PIONEERS in offering.
– Helping Hands will introduce GOLD MEDAL for exemplary NE entrepreneurs to encourage NE youth for successful game changer in the entrepreneurship.
– Selection team consisting of members from IRS, IAAS, IFS, IAS, IPS, Ex RBI officer will select them.
– I am convinced, now, the best and brightest NE students need to come out of their crazy obsession for govt jobs and start plan for new road map for journey toward new vista goldmine of opportunities, where they will be the boss, employer, can make more honest money, can hobnob with MNCs honchos, have best life, can bring out their hidden unexplored talent for future NE Tatas, Birlas, Ambanis, Mahindras, Adanis, Hindujas, Amazon, Alibaba, Infosys from NE states.
Lets share to our NE bright youth for food for thought and encourage them to think out of box.

(By Robin Hibu, IPS, Delhi. Opinions expressed are personal, based on experiences of working for decades with NE youth.)

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