As Noida Administration remains disconnected, discontent grows in Citizens!
"Failure of Noida Authority will result in failure of Noida and signs are alredy visible. We just hope some good change comes sooner then later", Says a Noida Resident!
Noida (02/08/2017) :
Noida citizens are disgruntled with growing apathy of Noida administration towards cities basic problems. Most discontent is regarding the working of Noida Authority where senior officials have become completely cut-off from ground realities and people’s grievances aren’t being heard.
Transfers Put Stop to Citizen Connect Measures :
After Yogi Adityantha took over as CM of Uttar Pradesh, multiple transfers in Noida Authority ensured arrival of new officials on senior positions. However while previous top officials engaged in sector visits and utilizing various citizen-administration connect platform to get first hand feedback from public, the practice had completely stopped after heads rolled in the authority. The citizen interaction of Noida authority is at its lowest in years, the attempt to reach-out, visit, meet, or interact with public stake holders has become bare minimum in present structure of Noida authority.
Citizens Speak:
Amit Gupta a resident of sector 77 who had long experience of getting several public grievances sorted by working in tandem with past authority officials says, “It has really become difficult to be heard in Noida in present environment. People keep raising and repeating their issues and there is no response. Small issues such as potholes or water logging, which can be rectified in a day or two have been pending for months, several attempts to bring it on the notice of authority officials has yielded no results so far”.
Another resident Aditya adds, “Most of the thing here come under Noida Authority and we can see that there is no will and intention of Authority officials to get involved with citizens to follow-up on grievances concerning larger public issues. We are planning to meet the CM to apprise him of current situation and asking for his intervention”.
Noida resident Col P Chandra (Retd) echos the views and says ,”There is a helplessness among the well meaning citizens of Noida. I share people’s disappointment with current dispensation of Noida authority. Failure of Noida Authority will result in failure of Noida and signs are alredy visible. We just hope some good change comes sooner then later”.
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