I.T.S Engineering College, Greater Noida has organized a Workshop on “MATLAB”

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Workshop On “MATLAB (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)”

On 21th April 2015, Tuesday, I.T.S Engineering College, Greater Noida has organized a Workshop on “MATLAB” under the banner of IEEE student branch Chapter Power and Energy Society. The distinguished lecture is given by Mr Dhirendra Singh, Application engineer Mathworks, India. Many students of Greater Noida colleges and around 35 students of Electrical and Electronics branch had registered and faculty members have attended the Workshop. The programme was inaugurated by Head of the Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department in presence of Faculty, Staff & students of college. The main objective of this lecture is students can get in depth understanding of subject Electrical engineering and implement real time system through simulation.

Mr Dhirendra Singh had delivered a well appreciated lecture on scope and opportunities of MATLAB tools on Electrical Engineering and Control system along with hands on.

 Electrical engineering using Simscape (Physical Modeling) Electrical engineering using SimPowersystems

 Control system design and analysis

 Demo of Two wheel balancing Robot using LEGO NXT and Magnetic Levitation

Mr. L Navinkumar had demonstrated MATLAB Simulink Powersystem toolbox (Application on power electronics) along with hands on. Mr. Noorul Islam had demonstrated MATLAB Fuzzy logic toolbox (Optimization techniques) The success & effectiveness of the program was appreciated by the audience. This is an immense pleasure for the department to take an initiative to explore its viability & challenges that needs to be faced to come out with the success of Workshop on MATLAB. Finally program L. Navinkumar Rao (Asst Prof, Member of IEEE) Kalpana Hazarika (Asst Prof, Member of IEEE)

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