Aam Aadmi Party-IIT Chennai Issue.

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The undemocratic move of the Union HRD ministry in banning the student’s study circle in IIT Chennai is an act taken in frustration over losing popularity of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP government in the centre. It has come as a shocker that IIT-Madras under the direct control of union HRD ministry  has banned a discussion forum for students following an anonymous complaint. The forum named after Dalit icon Ambedkar and Periyar was banned because it was instrumental in encouraging free speech and discussion around the erroneous and anti-people policies of the Narendra Modi government.

It is telling of the times as Modi government and his ministers are now feeling to be threatened by the activities of even students and more particularly students from the backward and Dalit communities. The institutions like IIT which stand for excellence in studies and for highest standards of free speech has been muzzled by the Modi government to counter the crisis of unpopularity which the government is facing.

The Ambedkar Periyar Student Circle (APSC) on the IIT Chennai campus must be allowed to function as usual and its part of the democratic rights of the students to voice their concern over the policies and politics of the country. The APSC as a discussion forum intends to promote the ideology and writings of B R Ambedkar and Periyar. It has all right to do so and no government can stop them from it.  The dictatorial tendencies of the Modi government in political realm as well in the areas of the socio-economic and cultural streams is a major concern for all the right minded citizens of the country.

Aam Aadmi Party stands by all the democratic forces in the country and will always stand with their fight against the tyrant policies of the Modi government.

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