AAP govt humiliated people in Janta Durbar, not even a single complaint tackled

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New Delhi: Chaos at first ’Janta Darbar’-Kejriwal leaves meeting mid-way
The Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party today slammed the Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his ministerial colleagues for befooling and humiliating large number of people in the name of “Janta Durbar.” “Not even a single complaint was tackled as hundreds waited. If this is not political stunt then what else could it be?”

In a statement issued today, the Delhi BJP President Shri Vijay Goel said, “Any person with common sense should know that holding an open public hearing on road by a Chief Minister is not feasible in a city of 1.6 crore people. So one is compelled to say that Kejriwal and his colleagues are merely playing to the gallery and this caused great inconvenience and humiliation to the people today. If AAP was really serious about public hearing it would have held it in every department, at assembly level and within the secretariat also. ”

“Political gimmickry should not overtake governance but Kejriwal and his team are desperate to take short-cuts to popularity in view of Lok Sabha polls,” said Shri Goel. He further added, “On key issues of power and water tariffs, AAP has not only failed to deliver but it is taking a complete about turn on these issues.

What is even a greater cause of worry is that AAP is now running a parallel network of so called AAP volunteers and trying to manage complete administration through this network. “Private individuals cannot be allowed to take administration in their own hands which AAP is doing. This will destroy the administrative mechanisms, structures, processes and systems and the people will suffer as administration will soon become completely defunct and will not be able to cater to them,” said Shri Goel

“It will be better for the welfare of Delhi’ites if AAP-Cong alliance government focuses on providing better administration rather than political gimmicks.”

“In the last 10 days, the administration in Delhi has totally collapsed. Instead of cleansing the system, Kejriwal and his colleagues are destroying the system! This will lead to complete chaos , a glimpse of which was seen in Janta Durbar today,”

Shri Goel said, “It is sad to see that instead of tackling the real issues of price rise, corruption and women safety, AAP leaders are behaving incoherently due to their misplaced arrogance. They have let off the big fish go when it comes to handling corruption.

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