BIMTECH and NHRDN Organises “National HR Summit for Energy Sector” in New Delhi!

Prerit Chauhan (Photo/Video) By Lokesh Goswami Ten News Delhi :

New Delhi: The 3rd ‘National HR Summit for Energy Sector’ organised by BIMTECH and NHRDN started today at Hotel Le Meridien,New Delhi on theme of “Emerging HR Challenges”. The Summit was inaugurated by Ajay Kumar Bhalla,Secretary,Ministry of Power, Government of India. In the inaugural session, Padma Shri, Dr Pritam Singh spoke about contours of the Summit and on paradigm shift in HR. Former Power Secretary R V Shahi presented the sectoral Address In the inaugural session.

The Objective of the National HR Summit for Energy Sector Emerging HR Challenges is on enabling multidimensional sustainable growth and in view of the centrality of the energy sector, Examine the need for in-depth and continuous deliberations of energy issues with a view to finding out viable energy solutions.

The Summit witnessed the presence of who’s who of Energy sector and HR leaders. Dr. H Chaturvedi, Director, BIMTECH, Padma Shri Dr. Pritam Singh, Chairman, LEAD Centre, Former Director, IIM (L), MDI, Gurgaon and Former Director General of MI, New Delhi. R V Shahi, Chairman, Energy Infratech Private Ltd. and Former Secretary, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, Ajay Kumar Bhalla, Secretary, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, Dhananjay Singh, Director General, NHRDN were the dignitaries who benefitted the summit delegates with their insightful addresses.

A book Titled as “Return of the Surya: The Ever Rising & Transforming Human Resource” which Focuses on to look at the future of technology and need of HR to Reorient its philosophy and Practices required to Build a greater and better tommorow was launched by the Chief Guest Ajay Kumar Bhalla.

Dr.H.Chaturvedi Director, BIMTECH in His Welcome Address at National HR Summit on Energy Sector organized by BIMTECH and NHRDN said,

“The energy sector is going through a great transformation. The energy sector should be cope up with good infrastructure. Along with this there is need to focus on HR department to take care of skill development. HR Challenges are shortage of staff and talent. HR plays a very big role in the Growth of a company specially in Energy Sector.”

He further said, “The energy sector is going to witness challenges and uncertainties along with the growing opportunities. HR has to respond to these challenges and uncertainties while leveraging the opportunities.”

Padma Shri Dr. Pritam Singh, Chairman, Lead Centre delivering the counters of the summit and paradigm shift in HR said,
“The last few years of Indian Energy sector have undoubtedly, witnessed a tremendous growth. However with the disruptive technology occurring globally, the challenges in the segment are huge, which needs to be Critically examined.

R V Shahi, Chairman, Energy Infratech Private Ltd. and Former Secretary, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India delivering the Sector Address said,

“HR Need to equip itself to prepare the organization to cope with these dynamic demands. Human Resourcezare the best assets for any organization! It is therefore, essential that we provide a cogenial environment, a friendly workplace Oppurtunties for growth and advancement.”

Ajay Kumar Bhalla, Secretary, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India and Chief Guest of National HR Summit for Energy Sector delivering the Inaugural Address said,

“India has started the procedure to quickly grow energy instruction in the nation, to empower the current HR personnel to learn courses related to energy limit expansion, generation, operations and support, in their educational programs.”

Dhananjay Singh, Director General, NHRDN Delivering Vote of Thanks said,

“In 152 years we have seen lots of changes in Energy Sector. As Dr Chaturvedi said, Context Defines what we are going to do. As our chief guest said that whatever scenarios going to unfold before us, our policies and practices will change.”

The Insightful Addresses were followed by a Panel Discussion on “Emerging Energy Sector Landscape : The Unfolding HR Challenges and Opportunities”.

The Discussion saw the participation of, Anil Sardana, MD and CEO, Adani Transmission Ltd., Dr. Ashok Balyan, Former CEO & MD, Petronet LNG and Former Director (HR), ONGC, Manoj Kohli, Executive Chairman, Soft Bank Energy, N L Sharma, CMD, SJVN, Rajeev Sharma, CMD, Power Finance Corpn& REC, Sudhir K Chaturvedi,Former CMD, Power Grid and Former Member, JERC.

R V Shahi, Chairman, Energy Infratech Pvt. Ltd. and Former Secretary Ministry of Power, Govt. of India moderated the Discussion.

Dr. H Chaturvedi, Director, BIMTECH, Speaking to Ten News about the Summit said,

“This Summit is the third edition of National HR Summit for Energy Sector Emerging HR Challenges which is being organised by BIMTECH in partnership with NHRDN. It was started in 2014 and it is taking care of all Management issues which is specific to the Power Sector and Energy Sector.”

Speaking to Ten News on the occasion,
Ajay Kumar Bhalla, Secretary, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India, said,

“It’s a very good initiative By BIMTECH to hold a HR related SUMMIT on Energy Sector Emerging HR Challenges. There is rapid transitions taking place in Energy Sector. Lots of changes are taking place from the Fossil to Renewables we are Migrating in a big way.

Padma Shri Dr. Pritam Singh, Chairman, Lead Centre, said,

“Well i have strong Philosophy and Belief that behind a gun there is a man. It’s a man who makes a difference. The major problem in the corporate world or in the country is that we have a good policy, we have a good strategy all those things but how come those things are not implemented.”

Kamal Singh, Executive Director, UN Global Compact Network India, said,

“For us Global Compact India its a great pleasure to be a part of this initiative. Particularly the summit addresses are on very important theme which is to do with the human resource challenge for the energy sector. We are not taking about clean energy but are talking about sustainable energy as well.”

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