Cops celebrate where martyr set himself ablaze for formation of Telangana

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It’s official. A separate Telanagana state is a reality after 60 years of struggle. And on the occasion, Telangana police had a blast at the LB nagar police station, Cyberabad at 12.01 am on Monday. If hundreds of people, mostly youngsters danced in gay abandon with a separate Telangana state coming into being on the appointed day on June 2, the police themselves celebrated the big event by bursting crackers on the premises of the police station.

Celebrations at the LB nagar circle have significance for Telangana as the most defining moment of the Telangana agitation was captured at this place. A 24-year-old pharmacy student set himself ablaze in broad daylight at the huge circle as hundreds of people watched in horror. Srikantha Chary’s martyrdom for Telangana resulted in the movement getting intensified.

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