Diplomats, Political Visionaries and Innovative Trailblazers Connect on Women Economic Forum 2016 in India. @ALLWEF

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Women Economic Forum 2016 approached half of its marathon of the conference today.  The response from countries around the world was astounding. Half of all nations gathered in New Delhi to debate, learn and work together toward a better consensus in women economic, political and social empowerment.

Women Economic Forum has a very unique format of the conference where experts have an opportunity to meet and exchange the views with women from all walks of life, so diverse regionally coming from almost 100 countries this year to participate in the universal conversation how to unite all the differences. This is the first time when diplomats interacted with political visionaries and innovative trailblazers on one global platform at the same time engaging people from academia, business, state and local governments.

As WEF 2016 is hosted in India during the conference there are many topics connected to the country, its rapid growth on the global scene as well as there is ongoing discussion what role India will play in the nearest future economically and politically.

Arab World – Making Bridges: Her Royal Highness Dr. Shiekha Hissah Saad Al-Sabah, Princess of Kuwait with Members of Arab Women Business Council on the WEF conference on 18th May, 2016 evening. They expressed that women of Arab world have occupied the respective and responsible positions in different sectors to improve socio economic conditions for upliftment of women, involvement in business, entrepreneurship and jobs in any domain to be independent. In banking, oil and natural gas, health sectors, public relations, training and development for women. Arab Women Council offered award to Dr. Harbeen Arora with commitment that both will walk together.

WEF invited diplomats to the general discussion. Five ambassadors presented their views on the main challenges for their countries to confront in the global arena.  Ambassador H.E. Nagen Patel, Ambassador of Canada to India appreciated Women Economic Forum for organizing such an event where globe is participating to discuss global issues and challenges, H.E Dr. Burak Akcapar, Ambassador of Turkey to India congratulated Dr. Harbeen Arora for connecting women of the world together. H.E Monica Lanzetta Mutis, Ambassador of Colombia to India stressed that gender equality is the biggest issue of the globe once this is solved it will resolve many issues. H.E Augusto Montiel Ambassador of the Bolivarrian Republic of Venezuela was happy that Women Economic Forum is on right direction on the right time. H.E Nils Ragnar Kamsvag, Ambassador of Norway to India were present.

Among the first group of awardees of Iconic Diplomat of the Decade are: Ambassador H.E. Nagen Patel, Ambassador of Canada to India, H.E Dr. Burak Akcapar, Ambassador of Turkey to India, H.E Monica Lanzetta Mutis, Ambassador of Colombia to India, H.E Augusto Montiel Ambassador of the Bolivarrian Republic of Venezuela, H.E Nils Ragnar Kamsvag, Ambassador of Norway.

Panelists concluded the discussion with awakening of the leadership of women is awakening and bringing consciousness about the development of the world.

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