My every action is meant for people ​: Renowned International Media personality Sandeep Marwah

My every action is meant for people ​: Renowned International Media personality Sandeep Marwah
‘Marwah studios  is the mother of all news channels in India’
Sandeep Marwah, the founder of Noida Film City and Marwah Films and Video Studios, which became the first professional Studios of North India. Marwah functions as the president and owner of the Asian Academy of Film & Television. He is also the founder and promoter of First Private Film School of India, Director of the film institute Asian Academy of Film & Television for 21 years and has trained and taught 10,500 media professionals hailing from 28 states 5 union territories of India and 92 countries of the world in 42 different courses from 3 months to 3 years. In 2015, Marwah received an award by the Tibetan Prime Minister, Dr. Lobsang Sangay, for his “contribution to the World Peace, Universal Brotherhood, Media and his enduring support for the Global Cooperative Movement.
Here are some excerpts of his special interview by Shamshad Ali ,Correspondent, ​
TN. Sir, Tell us about your biggest accomplishments.
SM. I have been in the films television media for more than 30 years. I am happy that I have created five world records first one is that I am a founder of Film city Noida which is the fastest growing film city in the world with 16 studios and 350 channels are being broadcasted. Second one is that I have been the director of film school for about 25 years where I have trained more than 12000 media professionals hailing from different states across India. Third record is that I have produced 2300 short films where more than 10000 media professionals from about 100 countries of the world. Fourth one is that I have given ten film festivals to the nation. Fifth record is related to sports and media during 19th commonwealth games Delhi where covered 1000 hours of filming, 10,000 pictures, 102 short films of 2 minutes for daily international telecast, 102 radio programs by covering 28 states, 7 union territories, 20,000 km, 300 events, 900 cities in 102 days.

TN. As you said about film festivals, how these festivals educating budding journalists?
SM. It helps a lot. To keep the spirituality alive we have spiritual celebrations, festivals to keep our tradition alive. Just like film festivals to keep our traditions live forever that is love peace and unity through art and culture. The film tourism which I have created is also a unique and different.
TN . What is your success mantra?
SM. Punctuality, regularity, sincerity and dedication four mantras if any one adopts them whole heartedly you can never be a loser.
TN. Who is your role model?
SM. There are two people who have influenced my life is my father and Swami Vivekananda. I was reading books of Vivekananda when I was a
​child. His works, calibre and intelligence have ​shaped my mind. 
TN. What do you think about playing national anthem before watching a movie?
SM. Why not, the t​h​ree minute show will entertain you even more; it brings you patriotic feeling and unity among communities. A good step towards unity and an important pillar of secular India. When you listen to that number probably on Republic Day or Independence Day, it evokes patriotism in you.
TN. Which books have influenced your thoughts?
SM. Being a reader, I always prefer books which give positive thinking and whenever I get an opportunity to read such books or articles try to take tips from the. In short I am learner.
TN. What kind of films you are interested in and your favourite actors?
SM. Probably telling me about one actor, its little difficult but go back, I always being loving Raj Kapoor, Anil Kapoor and I was fascinated by Salman Khan and Amir Khan.
TN. Which kind of music or art you love?
SM. Well I have learned music for six years, semi classical I love it and light music I am very fond of and film music I don’t ​miss,  even when I am at work, I listen music. That’s my hobby, my love. I am very much happy that we have started Music schools.
TN. Your favourite game?
SM. During school days, I was keen interested in football, volleyball and basketball. Slowly I lost my contact with the sports because Involvement in various activities but now I am very happy after achieving my world record in sports in 2010 now I have been taken as a Chair, as a patron to many sports organisations of the country. I have started many sports events like APL and now chairing basketball association and working as a chief patron to women football association of India.
TN. What thing you do not like to do in your life?
SM. I never say lie, I don’t want to hurt people and it’s very difficult for me to say no to anyone.

TN. What do you mean by patriotism?
SM. Jis aur chale hum masti mei, jhuk jaye udhar amar butal, azad watan ke baashinde, har geet hamara hai badal.Wibin Prant hai apne apne baasha ke abhiman​i hum, lekin sab se pehle dunya walo Hindustani hum. I am meant for my country. Can do or die for my country. 

TN. Any message to students who are studying in various educational institutions?
SM. What I would tell them all, Ki sabi dishayoun se shub sundar, Bhaav vichaar bh​are nit anntar, punih dara ban jaye surag ye, mere ya​don se kar​u​ona​ ​kar. Whether it is East, West, North and South whether you are in India or abroad, two things which are more important your thinking and your feeling. If you have a good thinking and feeling that means you are bound to do a good job. Trust me if you have good deeds you can change the world to heaven That’s what I am trying to do.

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