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The ISIS( Islamic State of Syria and Iraq ) now rampaging   in Iraq, an external terror, is   impacting    our  security  .    That terrorist set – up  has included  parts of India, the North West including Gujerat in their Map of the Islamic State of Khorasan.   Its  Supreme Commander Abu Bakr El- Baghdadi, on the day of the holy Ramzan ,  has announced that Indians are among its rolls. Domestic concerns must  consider  the global ones when our nation’s security is under the scanner. It was therefore , interesting,  to read Sashank Joshi’s analysis ( Hindu 23rd June 2014 ) of the writings and speeches of Ajeet Doval  the National Security Advisor(N S A ). Ajeet Doval clearly believes, he writes,  that” national security begins at home”. His writings and speeches reflect  that his perception is “emphasis on the primacy of the domestic problem over the global one”.ISIS’s ruthlessness, its  overunning of the    Iraq  armed forces , its inexorable march capturing one city after one in Northern  Iraq,  now more than ,a blur in our security map, will surely  not escape the N S A’s close monitoring precisely because national security is very much at stake. Bush,  visiting India  when  the Indo-Nuclear deal was in the offing , reportedly, was heard telling his wife  while  introducing the Indian prime Minister Man Mohan Singh,’my dear,  Man Mohan Singh is a leader of 250 million Muslims and not a single one  of them is a member of Al Queda’! Today with modules of IM (Indian Mujahideen) surfacing in  several parts of Karnataka, Bihar  Rajasthan , Delhi , Maharastra  all that is history. True, members of IM are not factions of Al Queda but they are not too far  , ideologically  , that is. Now the ISIS factor.

Delicately poised is the question whether under Narendra Modi the ISIS and  their fellow travellers  will  plant saplings that they  will expect to  grow to be their  images  in India. Since the IM  grew even without Modi being in power , will there  be more determined attempts  by them and their ilk to  nurse home made terrorists in India? Without doubt  they shall. India, polarised,  is a tempting target. But, as they say, forewarned is forearmed.  The present NSA cut his teeth in  Mizoram in the early 70’s .The  insurgency in Mizoram  was foreign based, partly . Later in Sikkim  , he watched and fathomed the Dragon’s role in the North -East. Very soon. thereafter in the hot seat in Delhi he actively thwarted Pakistam’s  attempts to add fuel to  fire the so-called Khalistan movement. He capped many successes with the apprehension of  Pakistan trained and backed terrorist from the Punjab Harjinder Singh@ Jinda , a  mastermind in this arena  and the killer of Gen A. S. Vaidya in Pune in 1986 as well as key planner of the looting of the State Bank of India Ludhiana of Rs 5.70 million  in  in 1967.    The present N S A joined hands with the Central Bureau of Investigation in their investigation of   Sikh  youth who fell  prey to the idea of  Khalistan  with  aid flowing to them  from   Pakistan, Canada  Germany and even the U K.   He knows that our internal terror movement is  an orphan in India. It is   is  parented  by foreign  terror. The latter is ever on the lookout  for human material that will readily respond to their various exhortations. In Iran  they are fighting their co-religionists , In India they will go  to the muslim ghettos and identify the pliable to  pick up the  easy meat nursing grudges, imaginary and real.

For the NSA areas of  internal  conflicts wil be of  paramount concern, surely. Then , what are these areas and how best can such areas be  made to vanish must find a place in his agenda. He must  , for one, look  to change the face of Juhapura and its mirror images. Situated  in the  south–western neighbourhood of Ahmedabad Juhapura is a place  where 400, 000 people live  without  even  basic civic amenities  like  being without piped water . They drink the salty insalibrious smelly water  punped from the wells and yet are also made to pay for the municipal water. They live in tiny single story tenements with asbestos lined  roofs where  the sun, the wind and the rain water have easy access. Too add to  this Mulim ghetto’s  discomfort, with in sight,   is a  a massive wall,  fitted with oval surveillance camera housing beige apartments  with air conditioners fitted in the windows,  homes for  middle class Hindus.  Basharat Peer, author of ” Curfiewed Night” has written all this and more in New York Times 18th April 2014 .   Sashank Joshi , himself a fellow of Royal United Services Institute in London and a Phd candidate at Harvard University as well as one who has worked with Ajeet Doval  calls  him the ‘NSA For Hard Times’.  He goes on to suggest that  NSA’s  vision of internal security is internal , peripheral and cultural.  The interplay here, astutely choreographed at  the NSA’s  bidding,  has, surely ,  among his myriad tasks on the security front, the task  to   locate budding ISIS , IM and similar organization’s aspirants  and shoo way those  terror elements   fishing  in our troubled waters  like Juhapura.

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