Woman sexually harassed by stepfather in #Faridabad

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Faridabad, Aug 21 (PTI) A 27-year-old woman was allegedly sexually harassed by her stepfather in SGM Nagar area here.

The victim complained that her step-father Shiva Chaudhary in drunken state yesterday beat her up and sexually harassed her, police said today.

He also tried to strangulate her but as she raised an alarm, neighbours gathered following which the accused fled, they said.

She alleged that her step-father started abusing her after she returned to her parent’s home from her husband’s house four months ago.

An FIR was yesterday registered in the matter under section 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 354A (sexual harassment) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the IPC, police said.

An investigation has been initiated in this connection, Investigating officer Inspector Asha Rani said, adding that the accused is still at large.

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