Galgotias University Hosts Two-Day Workshop on Outcome-Based Assessment.


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Galgotias University conducted a two-days workshop on “Outcome-Based Assessment: Unlocking the Secrets of Effective Question Design – Balancing Knowledge and Difficulty” from June 20, 2024 to June 21, 2024, at Galgotias University.

The sessions were led by Mr. Ajay Bhagwat, Director of InPods India (Pune).

The objective of the workshop was to:
* Enhance the skills of educators and assessment designers in crafting high-quality questions.
* Accurately assess varying levels of knowledge and cognitive abilities through effective question design.
* Empower participants with advanced techniques and best practices in question crafting.
* Ensure questions are fair, clear, and challenging to effectively evaluate true understanding.
* Provide a comprehensive understanding of the nuances involved in question design.
* Ensure assessments are rigorous, equitable, and aligned with educational standards.

The session started at 10:30 AM with a warm welcome to the special guest. The Vice Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) K. Mallikharjuna Babu, addressed the importance of the workshop and the impact of assessment on students’ learning culture. This was followed by an address from the Pro Vice Chancellor, Prof. (Dr.) Avadhesh Kumar, who discussed about the university’s innovative approaches adopted for student success.
Approximately 60 faculty members, including deans and department heads from various schools, attended today’s session. In the session to be held tomorrow, June 21, around 60 faculty members will also participate. Thus, a total of 130 faculty members will participate in this two-day workshop.

Ajay Bhagwat discussed different learning levels, their assessment, and the verbs associated with each level. He further explained how these learning levels are mapped to the curriculum. Finally, he concluded with how to assess these learning levels by generating appropriate questions.
In the second half of the session, faculty members were asked to generate questions at different difficulty levels to assess their respective subjects This workshop was designed to enhance the skills of educators and assessment designers in crafting high-quality questions that accurately assess varying levels of knowledge and cognitive abilities. All questions generated by the faculty were examined and suggestions for improvement were provided by Mr. Ajay and the Vice Chancellor.
The session was interactive, with enthusiastic participation from all attendees, who gained valuable insights into creating quality questions. The session was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Gokul Rajan V.

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