I.T.S engineering college Greater Noida organized of speech competition

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Lokesh Goswami

I.T.S engineering college Greater Noida organized of speech  competition inevitable academic reasons we were unable to celebrate Atal Bihari Vajpayee Ji’s birthday on 25th December 2014 as a Good Governance Day on the same day. So, Fraternity -The Literary Society of I.T.S engineering college organized a Bhashanshaili- the speech competition on good governance on 6th February 2015 to honor this eminent day.Governance when defined naturally is the process of decision making and the process by which decision are implemented. The concept of good governance often emerges as a model tocompare those with ineffective economies, political bodies which are vulnerable to deceivingthe public, with those stable government structures which are inculcating a spirit of growth anddevelopment. One such person who gave the actual meaning and action to the definition of good governance is Shree Atal Bihari Vajpayee, former Prime Minister of India. Under his guidance several great projects such golden quadrilateral had been completed, the inflation remained under control throughout his leadership.As our leader was multilingual and knew numerous languages we didn’t put any language bar inthe competition. The event accepted widespread participation from all the branches. The event was a great success, the participants produced more than efficient strategies to provide better governance to government bodies.The topic to speak upon was the same which was motto of Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s governance ways i.e. “good governance”. Around 10 students were shortlisted for the final round and the winners of the event were Pritish Kumar, Nitish Shukla, Ankit Bhandari, Satish Kumar &Sandeep Mehta.


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