Ministry of HRD Statement on IIT Madras Matter

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A news item regarding action taken by IIT, Madras against the Students Group, viz., Ambedkar-Periyar Study Circle, has appeared in some newspapers.

The action has been taken by IIT, Madras as per the guidelines of the Institute, Ministry of Human Resource Development had nothing to do with this except for forwarding the complaint received to Director, IIT, Madras for comments. IIT, Madras has taken action as per their own procedure and Institute’s guidelines. IITs being autonomous institutions, they are competent to handle matters within their guidelines and procedure. The matter has been clarified by IIT, Madras through a media statement dated May 29th, 2015.

Media statement
May 29, 2015
There are several student organisations functioning on the IIT campus operating on the basis of student involvement and initiatives. Some of these organisations represent the entire student body, elected and run by the students themselves. Some of the student groups are formed based on the interests of students. Student groups desiring to use the Institute’s resources are required to be recognized and they are to follow guidelines prescribed by the Board of Students which consists of all the elected student representatives.
While IIT Madras does not curtail freedom of expression of the students, it is expected that student groups adhere to these guidelines while conducting their activities. As per the guidelines in force, the student bodies cant use the name of IIT Madras or its official entities in any capacity, to publicise their activities or garner support, without official permission. The Ambedkar-Periyar Study Circle has violated the guidelines while conducting their meeting. Normally, violation of these guidelines leads to temporary derecognition pending their presenting their stand to the Board of Students. In the present case also, the same procedure is being followed.
– Spokesperson, IIT Madras

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