“Ms. Manju Kalanidhi creator of the Rice bucket challenge chosen for the REX Karmaveer Global Fellowships”

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“Ms. Manju Kalanidhi creator of the Rice bucket challenge chosen for the REX Karmaveer Global Fellowships”

Strap: Self driven initiative by a 38 year old Indian inspires fellow countrymen as India’s Rice

Bucket Challenge pioneer Manju Latha Kalanidhi has been selected for the annual Karmaveer

Chakra Award and the REX Karmaveer Global Fellowship

New Delhi, September 10, 2014: Manju Latha Kalanidhi, the 38-year-old Hyderabad journalist, who

is the pioneer of the ‘Rice Bucket Challenge (based on the ALS ice bucket challenge), will be

honoured with the unique and prestigious Karmaveer Chakra Award and the REX Karmaveer Global

Fellowship by iCONGO, an International Confederation of NGOs. Karmaveer Chakra is a medallion for

voluntary actions, instituted by iCONGO in partnership with the UN, at the behest of the UN in 2008.

The award will be given to Ms. Manju Kalanidhi on March 23, 2015, in Delhi, where she shall be

felicitated and recognised as a REX Karmaveer Global Fellow, with some other change leaders from

Through the fellowship, Manju will have access to several other fellows and eminent award

recipients from other parts of the globe. This will enable her to implement bigger ideas for action to

make a difference in the world and also to expand her network and circle of influence to other

geographies. iCONGO will also support Manju to grow the Rice Bucket Challenge by promoting it

with its more than 15 million supporters and help Manju grow the idea.

Manju also will feature in Karma Kurry, the bestselling book series about real heroes who are

changing our world and which has a foreword by none other than the legendary Nelson Mandela.

“We believe in the real joy of giving and it is important to go out, discover and collaborate with ideas

rather than wait for it; as proactive change may be possible when we go out and look for it. After the

nationally and globally successful JOY OF GIVING and RIGHT every WRONG movements that we

created and launched over a decade ago to create a mindset change for philanthropy and social

justice, we think that the Rice Bucket Challenge is an idea which shall further help mindset change

and make people think about BEING THE CHANGE”, says Jeroninio Almeida, Founder, iCONGO, who

had started the “Joy of Giving” mission 13 years ago. He adds, “REX Karmaveer Global Fellows may

be from any sector or any discipline. They may be students, corporate executives, homemakers,

entrepreneurs, government officials or retired soldiers. If they are doing something small yet

significant to make a difference in our world or are doing something different or alternative that

would help change mindsets for the betterment of society and humanity, they may be chosen as our

fellows for implementing their ideas for action to make a difference in our world.”

Speaking about the award, an excited Ms. Manju Latha said, “I’m extremely happy to learn that I

have been chosen for Karmaveer Chakra Award and fellowship. This award will expand my horizon

and give the necessary push to the initiative.”

Rice Bucket Challenge

Wondering how to be a part of the Rice Bucket Challenge? It’s very simple and yet greatly human.

Take a bucket of rice to the nearest needy and deserving person in your area, click a photo and

upload it on Facebook. Tag your friends and challenge them to do this. You can also prepare some

food at home and go and distribute or else pay Rs 100 to a needy or distribute medicines. The

webpage of Rice Bucket Challenge has already been viewed by more than five lakh people and over

10,000 kg of rice has been donated by people to the poor and needy. The Facebook page of the

Challenge had 4,000 likes on the first day of its launch, on August 24, 2014.

What is Karmaveer Chakra award?

The Karmaveer Chakra awards are highly coveted global awards promoted and instituted by the

International Confederation of NGOs (iCONGO) in partnership with the UN.

About REX Karamveer Global Fellows

REX Karmaveer Global Fellows are established or budding champions in their respective fields,

inspirational role models and the architects of ideas for action. They are selected because they are

impassioned people who have already proven their thought leadership/potential to be the game

changers to make a difference in our world. Initiated by iCONGO and promoted by CtrlS, RKGF seeks

out bringing the Global Fellows together in a supportive fraternity as well as provides exposure to

several eminent and grassroots Noble Laureates, Mentors, Investors and Fellow Innovators to

accentuate the ability of the Fellows to create long lasting positive impact in our society, nation and

the world. RKGF is powered by REX, CtrlS – iCONGO Karmaveer Puraskaar and Apeejay Karmayuga.

About REX (Right Every Wrong)

REX Conclive – REX is Latin for KING and REX conclive is the king of all good thought leadership for

CHANGE conclaves (with an eclectic mix of “ROCKSTAR SPEAKERS”, cause related performers, short

film screenings & awards) where ideas speak out to encourage proactive action to change our world.

This is an initiative under the auspices of the RIGHT every WRONG & Karmaveer awards movement,

promoted by iCONGO- International Confederation of NGOs &CtrlS Foundation

Established in 2004, iCONGO– International Confederation of NGOs passionately works with People,

for encouraging social justice through citizen action. They also work with the People Sector (NGOs,

CSOs and Not for profits) to reclaim and preserve public trust. iCONGO believes that it is not

mindless & arrogant charity but humble & involved social justice that is wanting in our world .

Managed by Volunteers including concerned citizens and eminent people, iCongo has been

sensitizing “citizens at large” to “Be the change we want to see in our world” and go beyond just

giving money. iCONGO has pioneered the process of citizen involvement by changing mindsets with

initiatives that have become huge movements now like Joy of Giving, Right every WRONG, REX-
Ideas for Action CONCLiVE and KarmaVeer global awards to recognize the real heroes making huge

difference in our world with their simple but significant action. In 2009, they instituted Karmaveer

Chakra with the UN to felicitate exemplary Voluntary Action. Under Karmayuga- The Right every

Wrong Generation, they are trying to Democratize Heroism by creating a generation of Indians.

Earlier this year iCONGO also launched Karma Kurry book series in partnership with Jaico – India’s

largest non-fiction publishing house, to tell stories about real heroes. The book which has a preface

by Mr. Nelson Mandela is a bestseller and iCONGO is signing the biggest landmark publishing

agreement in India with the biggest royalty commitment, wherein all royalties from book sales shall

be utilised for discovering and inspiring more real heroes through KarmaYuga.

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