#Mumbai long traffic jams, more rain and no electricity and high tide

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While Mumbai is often known as the city that does not stop for anyone or anything but the very first spell of rains have disrupted the city’s transport, telecom and Internet services leaving many either stranded or cooped up at home.

Heavy rains for the past week came as a relief for sun-dried Mumbai but is turning out to be a nightmare for those who are on the move as relentless down pours bring the other-wise fast city to a standstill.

Mumbai electricity board has taken into account public safety and shut down power supply to several parts of the city where water logging poses danger to human life. Parts of Mumbai could face more wate logging as high tide sets in at 2 p.m. today leaving little scope for flood water to drain into the sea. The Chief Justice of Bombay HC declared a holiday which applies only to the High Court and not the rest of Mumbai. Several private firms too have allowed employees

While several roads are still operations many are water logged. BMC has asked people to stay indoors and not venture out for safety reasons, yet many Mumbaikars have braved the rains. BEST services too have been affected with several routes canceled. “BEST staff that is unable to reach their duty depots have been asked to go to nearest depots and will be given duty accordingly,” said a BEST official.

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