National panel seeks govt nod to divide OBCs to ensure equitable distribution of reservation benefits

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NEW DELHI: Will the Modi government bite the bullet and divide OBCs into groups along the lines of their “backwardness” to ensure equitable distribution of reservation benefits?

The National Commission for Backward Classes (NCBC) has sought the government’s nod to categorize backward castes in the central list of OBCs into three groups, and limit each group’s claim to a fraction of the 27% reservation.

Highly-placed sources said the consultations between NCBC and the ministry of social justice, which started under UPA, have reached a critical stage with the national panel advocating the initiative to ensure that “the better-off OBCs do not corner the rights and facilities meant for the more deserving categories of OBCs”.


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“As there is no classification among different OBCs in the central list, the more advanced among OBCs are availing most of the benefits available to the OBCs to the detriment of the interest of the really depressed and downtrodden among the OBCs,” the commission is learnt to have said, having earlier argued on similar lines in a letter to the prime minister.

Known as “sub-categorization”, the idea is rooted in the grievance that “forwards among the backwards” are cornering the 27% Mandal quota because the “backwards among the backwards” are unable to compete with them owing to their inferior educational and financial status.

As a remedy, the OBCs are to be divided into sub-groups, with communities with similar levels of “social, educational and economic backwardness” to be clubbed together and apportioned a part of the 27% quota. The quantum allocated to each sub-group would be in proportion to their population.

It will ensure that “forwards among backwards” only compete with each other for a slice of the 27% quota, and not monopolize the entire quota cake. It will leave the “backwards among backwards” to vie with each other on a level-playing field.

Though resented by stronger OBCs like Yadavs/Kurmis as it would limit their quota benefits, sub-categorization is demanded by weaker castes who complain that the former have usurped their share.

Ahead of Bihar assembly elections to be followed by Uttar Pradesh, known as Mandal strongholds, the issue has a political sensitivity because of its potential to realign the loyalty of social groups.

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Having positioned himself as an OBC, PM Narendra Modi would face the choice between sticking to the status quo and of trying to polarize the numerically stronger “extremely backwards” against Yadavs and Kurmis, represented by BJP rivals Lalu Prasad and chief minister Nitish Kumar (Bihar) and by Mulayam Singh Yadav (UP).

In its recent communication to the Centre, the NCBC asked the government to take a “policy decision” if it can go ahead with nationwide sub-categorization of OBCs and also sought the Centre’s approval for its “methodology”. It also wants “funding” for a study by an expert body like ICSSR to study backward class profile of each state to decide on the sub-groups.
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