What is the purpose of owning a house when it is not secured? What is the purpose of owning a house when you can’t get mental peace? What is the purpose of owning a house when your money is bound to go waste? Providing houses to public is one aspect of fulfilling the duty, but what is the purpose of providing houses without proper safety and security measures? Housing sector in India is extremely vast which has been rising in demand due to ever-growing population. Thus, answering the housing needs is incomplete if sound security and safety of residents is not taken into consideration.

“Real estate sector in India has always been on the wrong side of the news due to various negative incidents that have taken place over the years. Although, with technological advancements, this sector has supplemented itself with better amenities and facilities to provide sound and peaceful environment for the residents to resolve their day to day security concerns”, states KushagrAnsal, Director, Ansal Housing.

Commenting upon a recent kidnapping incident which occurred with a family residing in a prominent project of RajnagarExtn., Monaly Sinha,aresident of the same project said “First and foremost, it is the duty of parents to be most careful while signing up with a stranger. Proper police verification of the workers and other staff needs to be done. Secondly, on the developers’ part, it is important that before the residents start moving in, safety and security facilities must be in place under all circumstances, something that was missing here”. Answering this specific need of the residents Mr. Sushant Muttreja, CMD of Cosmic Group avers, “More than serving the country by providing homes, it is important to serve the people of the nation by offering services which should get highlighted in a positive sense. Safety and security needs of the residents must be kept on priority as otherwise; there is no point in just offering a structure for their living. We, in our projects offer gated communities with round the clock security, day care centres that enables working couples not to leave their children unattended while they are at work”.

“Absence of visual monitoring and safety equipment in residencies had led to incidents not getting captured in real time, thus leading to greater problems, hassles and financial & personal losses to individuals and families”, says Harday Gupta, a resident of Noida. Safety features in a project vary from fire-fighting equipment to structural stability, good quality elevators to CCTV cameras and many others. Thus, every single element accounts for the safety of the residents. “High quality and standardized fittings of electricals, plumbing, raw materials, fire-fighting equipment and others are a must to make sure that a structure is sound for peaceful living of the residents. We have made sure that all our projects are fully equipped with fire and security protection systems that are centrally monitored in all building functions and systems”, explains Mr. Rakesh Yadav, Chairman, AntrikshIndia.

“It is true that no one can stand against nature’s forces but, precaution is always better than cure. This brings our attention towards the significance of having a strong structure which can atleast give time to move and not go down as a pack of cards. Fortunately, all the quakes that shook NCR recently were not that strong, thus granting me enough time to vacate four floors down”, said AtikantKashyap, a resident of Ashram, New Delhi. With India standing on seismic zone IV which is considered as a ‘High Damage Risk Zone’, structural reliability of the towers in projects comes into picture. The need to offer RCC framed structures or other such earthquake resistant techniques have become the need of the hour, looking at the series of earthquakes that had shaken the Northern parts of India. “Residents in India must not worry too much as every developer associated with CREDAI has appointed well-known architects and structural consultants, who in turn design each and every building as per the National Building Code. So we can assure that all our buildings are structurally safe and all structural designs are duly vetted by senior and learned professionals from IIT Delhi, IIT Roorkee and/or similar institutions”, elucidates Mr. Deepak Kapoor, President CREDAI-Western U.P. & Director, GulshanHomz.

Another aspect that this topic leads us to is the concern for old age or senior citizens. We always think about the safety of our aged elders more than ourselves, as they spend most of the time inside the house. “It is crucial to offer facilities in the project to suit the lifestyle of every age group of residents, priority being senior citizens. They spend almost every second of their day inside the house while children are out at work. Thus, additional features such as home assistance, ambulance and cab on call provisions have been included in modern day concepts of amenity designing. Guarded elevators and complexes also enhance the security quotient of the project”, shares Mr. Sudeep Agrawal, MD, Shri Group.

“Security features are something which every prospective client ponders upon while deciding over properties. As per our observation of the market and the features looked by people making visits on our website, it is very obvious that no one is ready to compromise on security. A similar attitude needs to be imbibed by the builders and developers, as well so as to allow customers to go ahead and buyproperty based on returns and growth, rather than safety concerns”, concludes Mr. Ajay Rakheja, Co-Founder & CEO,

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