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Greater Noida : Asking journalist to refrain from the practise of ‘negative reporting’, state industries minister Satish Mahana on Saturday, while speaking on the occasion of Narad Jayanti (Narad’s Birthday), said that it is a moral responsibility of journalists to help build positive public opinion and should refrain from the feeding negativity to public in order to build TRP and circulation.

Narad according to Hinduism, is believed to be the first ever journalist. The event was organised by Vishwa Samwad Kendra at ICE College in Greater Noida.

Mahana said that it is unfortunate how media has been giving more attention to the anti-social figures rather than promoting social good.

“If a picture of a terrorist who was killed in Kashmir is shown, everyone will recognise him but nobody recognises an army official who has been serving the nation,” he said.

“There is still a large population that take what comes in media as a gospel truth with a blind faith. Thus, it is moral imperative for a journalist to sustain that faith. Media has a power to form public opinion and it must be utilised to promote social good,” Mahana added.

The event also witnessed felicitation of some journalist for their exceptional contribution in the field.

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