Renowned artist Aruna Tewari presents her solo exhibition ‘Mystery of Love’ in #Delhi

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u Satpathy

The artwork expressing the feeling of love will be on display from 14th -18th, 2016 at Visual Arts Gallery, India Habitat Centre~

New Delhi, May 10, 2016:  Pouring her heart and soul out on the canvas by means of acrylic colors, popular artist, Aruna Tewari comes back with her solo exhibition ‘Mystery of Love’ at Visual Arts Gallery, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. A series of ____ paintings, the artwork resolves around the notion of mystic womanhood, which is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description. The exhibition inaugurated on 14th May in the presence of Chief Guest, renowned spiritual thinker, scholar, and philanthropist, Honorable Dr. Chandra Bhanu Satpathy.

Aruna Tewari has worked on the theme of ‘Mystery of Love’ by using signature bold and bright color palette, thus creating a mystery in each of her artwork for the viewers to unfold it in their own way. The artist expresses that everyone seeks love, but so often, we barely recognize what love is or the countless ways it can thrive. True love involves virtue, friendship and the pursuit of a common goal. Love has motivated the artist to express her dreams and thoughts into action in the form of her exquisite paintings.

Aruna Tewari says, “Love is magic. It is the greatest mystery. It comes when you are least expecting it and disappears when you think it is here to stay. Love can transform the common life into beauty and splendor and fills us with sweetness and grace. However, the regret is that we hardly step into our inner world to enjoy that deep treasure of love. Love is the language that every heart speaks and understands which cannot be expressed in words. Keeping this in mind, I have tried to express this feeling of love through ‘Mystery of Love’.”

The artwork is an amazing portrayal of love and speaks out to everyone from confused souls to enlightened minds. Every painting copiously articulates about various shades of emotions that are experienced by a woman at one stage or the other during the course of her life. The paintings will be on display at India Habitat Centre in Delhi from 14th – 18th May 2016 (11am – 8pm).

About Aruna Tewari

Aruna Tewari was born in November 1974 in Kanpur (UP). After arriving in Delhi in 2010 due to relocation of her spouse, she joined Delhi College of Arts (DCA), New Delhi for a two-year course. During the period, she also participated in the group exhibitions where her works were deeply appreciated.  Having received critical acclaim for her works in various group exhibitions she decided to hold her Maiden Solo Show entitled “Mesmerizing Reverberations of love” in April, 2013 at Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi. Her show was highly successful and everyone appreciated her works. She also held her solo painting Exhibition at Taj Palace, New Delhi, in April this year.

Encouraging reviews at Taj Palace inspired and motivated her to paint this series of paintings entitled “Mystery of Love” that is being show cased at the Visual Art Gallery, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. Woman is the focal point in all her paintings as she stoutly feels that women are not only the best in the understanding of life but they are also embodiment of love and sacrifice.

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