#RSS working towards National Building, Bhardwaj

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Sanjay Chaturvedi

Faridabad:  “There is a need to review and revamp the policy on population of India in view of the changes in available resources,  projections of future demand and imbalance in demography”, said  Dev Prasad Bhardwaj, Prant Karywah for Haryana wing of Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS). He was addressing a press conference in the city press club Faridabad. This is probably the first time when any of the cadre of RSS has interacted with media in Faridabad.

Returning after attending the All India Executive Committee of Sangh held at Ranchi from 30th October to 1st November, Bhardwaj addressed the Faridabad media. He said that this time to address the media because of many wrong perceptions in the air. He said that the Sangh is into the functions supporting the mankind and the nation.  Replying to a question on cast politics, he said that Sangh has never promoted any caste equations. He said that the Sangh talks about mankind and the nation both of which include every man and woman of whichever caste or creed.

Bhardwaj categorically rejected the questions about the performance of Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) after completion in center as well as in Haryana. He said that the agenda of RSS is nowhere related to that of the ruling party.

Speaking on the matter of Kashmir, Bhardwaj said that in order to make the younger generation aware of the rich heritage and culture of Kashmir, programs all over the country would be organised, specially in Kashmir, on the occasion of celebrating the centenary year of Acharya Abhinav Gupt, the man known as the symbol of ancient cultural heritage of Kashmir. Bhardwaj was open enough to discuss each and every issue asked about the functioning of RSS. On asked about the role of women in the Sangh he said that there is a separate wing of women named as Rashtriya Sewika Samiti in which the women are given all the responsibilities for each and every function.  He said that the Sangh has also started a ‘Rashtriya Muslim Morcha’ to allow Muslim fellow citizens join hands in nation building. He said that this also proves that the Sangh works on the principal of walking together irrespective of the caste, religion or sex.

On the issue of cow, Bhardwaj said that there is nothing new in saying that we worship cow as our mother. He said that the Sangh has initiated the process of settling up cow shelters all over the country to let the mother cow live comfortably. In Faridabad alone, said Bhardwaj, there are four cow shelters. He also mentioned article 44 that provides for protection of cow.

In order to make the media of Faridabad aware of the strength of RSS, Bhardwaj said that existing for over 90 years; the Sangh has witnessed an increase of RSS Shakhas by 10500 in numbers in the last decade. Currently, said Bhardwaj, 52000 shakhas are running on 32000 places all over the country. On 13620 places there are weekly meetings and on 8000 Sangh is functioning as Sangh Mandli. Talking about the people attending Shakhas, Bhardwaj informed that 91% of total volunteers attending shakhas are below the age of 40 years while 9% are more than this. 66% of the shakhas are of students and about 8000 per month are further adding to the number by way of “join RSS”, a web portal run by the Sangh. He said that the rising number of youth in the Sangh is the indication of a rising India of future.

Narrating other initiatives on which RSS is working Bhardwaj named a few such as Water Conservation, Water protection and water management, Clean environment, Addiction free India etc.

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