Russian film set for release in India on January 20

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New Delhi, Jan 12 (IANS) “The Crew”, an English dubbed version of the blockbuster Russian film “Ekipazh”, will hit Indian screens on January 20.

This comes as a result of the cultural pact signed between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President of Russia Vladimir Putin last year. This is also the beginning of Bollywood film festivals to be held in Russia and Russian film festivals to be held in India.

“The Crew” is the first Russian film to be released in India. It is brought to India by RG Studios.

Irfan Siddiqui, co-founder of RG Studios, said in a statement: “The movie talks about courage and humanity as it focuses on the rescue of people stuck in a volcano, and the thrilling part is that this operation takes place mid-air. How? Your questions will be answered on January 20.”

Shot in IMAX 3D, the film released in Russia and Commonwealth of Independent States in April 2016.

Directed by Nikolay Lebedev, the film stars Danila Kozlovsky and Vladimir Mashkov.

The film is also slated to be remade in Hindi.

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