Ryan Greater Noida at National ATL Innovation Challenge

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Proud Ryanites Adit Jain, Rushil, Akshay Chauhan of Greater Noida represented  the school at ATL Innovation Chellenge,  organized by Niti Aayog (Planning Commission ), Government of India at New Delhi. This Innovation  challenge was organized in 6 cities across the country in New Delhi, Chandigarh, Kolkata, Guwahati, Pune and Hyderabad.

Ryan Greater Noida students were selected one of the top 500 schools to put up their idea (Segregation of plastic waste from the garbage) based on science & technology for a waste management problem in their locality.

The students presented their model and presentation to a panel of judges, who were highly appreciative of the innovation, out of the box idea for cleaning the surroundings, which is becoming a big issue.  This problem was taken up especially keeping in mind the waste lying around unattended in greater Noida where there are no formal ways of disposing waste.

In the innovative idea, the students also developed an mobile app that would assist the general public and the civic bodies to clean the garbage lying unattended.

The  model on Segregation of plastic waste from the garbage indeed gives  a contribution of the society as well as the civic body and government was highlighted in the problem which also gave a solution for a subsidiary challenge of land degradation

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