SC Halts Rahul Gandhi’s Conviction in Defamation Case, Parliament Status Reinstated

Ten News Network

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New Delhi, August 4, 2023: In a significant development, the Supreme Court on Friday stayed the conviction of Rahul Gandhi, the prominent Congress party leader, in a 2019 criminal defamation case. The case was filed by Purnesh Modi, a former minister in the Gujarat government, over Gandhi’s “Modi surname” remark made during an election rally in Karnataka on April 13, 2019.

The verdict, pronounced by Justice BR Gavai, has far-reaching implications as it restores Rahul Gandhi’s status as a member of Parliament. Justice Gavai highlighted the wide-ranging ramifications of Gandhi’s conviction, as it directly impacted the rights of the electorates who had elected him.

Senior advocate Abhishek Manu Singhvi, representing Rahul Gandhi, argued that the case filed by Purnesh Modi was peculiar, as none of the individuals mentioned during Gandhi’s speech had sued him. Singhvi pointed out the anomaly, stating, “Interestingly, everybody who is aggrieved in this very ‘small’ community of 13 crores, only people suing are BJP office-holders. Very strange.”

Senior advocate Mahesh Jethmalani, representing Purnesh Modi, emphasized the significance of the petitioner’s appeal before the sessions court and questioned the Supreme Court’s decision to negate the sentence without reassessing evidence.

Justice Gavai contemplated the impact of the petitioner’s conviction on the unrepresented Wayanad constituency, questioning whether it was a relevant factor. He raised concern over not just affecting the right of one individual but the entire electorate of a constituency due to the conviction.

In an affidavit submitted before the Supreme Court, Rahul Gandhi stood firm in refusing to apologize for his Modi surname remark. He asserted his innocence and urged the court to stay his conviction, stating, “Using the criminal process and the consequences under the Representation of People Act to arm-twist the Petitioner into apologizing for no fault is a gross abuse of the judicial process and ought not to be countenanced by this Court.”

The Supreme Court’s decision brings relief to Rahul Gandhi and restores his position as a member of Parliament, allowing him to continue his legislative responsibilities.

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