Statement by Aam Aadmi Party spokesperson Shazia Ilmi

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I wish to clarify the statement attributed to me regarding exhorting the Muslims to be more communal. Nothing can be farther from my intent and indeed my politics. It is quite clear from the tone and tenor of the conversation that I am using the word ‘secular’ and ‘communal’ in an ironic manner. And in an informal casual setting wherein a 90 second video clip purports to put context to a half hour conversation. The point was simply to say that the Muslim community has allowed itself to be used far too long by the so-called secular politics. It would be much better if the community were to turn to their real-life material interests, the so-called community interests like education, employment, etc. It should also be noted that I am making a plea to vote for a candidate who is not Muslim, and in the name of a leader who is not Muslim. I am shocked to see a statement like this can be distorted and misconstrued as communal or inciting hatred. My party and I have always stood against any form of communalism and shall continue to do so.

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