Steps for Elimination of TB

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Steps for Elimination of TB

The estimated incidence of Tuberculosis in the country has been declining:

Year Incidence (per lakh/year)
2013 228
2014 223
2015 217


Total Case Notification of Drug Sensitive TB (2014-16)

State/UT 2014 2015 2016
Andman and Nicobar Islands 738 605 534
Andhra Pradesh 106505 68922 74373
Arunachal Pradesh 2602 2779 2788
Assam 36810 39978 40851
Bihar 69519 81731 97001
Chandigarh 2926 3320 3413
Chhattisgarh 26287 35339 39484
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 411 553 552
Daman & Diu 742 414 487
Delhi 51035 59309 62706
Goa 1780 1893 1966
Gujarat 80535 109828 126665
Haryana 40393 44970 47545
Himachal Pradesh 14002 14965 14961
Jammu and Kashmir 11241 10046 9937
Jharkhand 35828 35985 39515
Karnataka 61940 64684 68462
Kerala 24856 29529 47293
Lakshadweep 23 40 23
Madhya Pradesh 96355 111317 129915
Maharashtra 148300 182974 195139
Manipur 2329 2370 2393
Meghalaya 6009 5568 4586
Mizoram 2014 2139 2205
Nagaland 3621 3504 2821
Odisha 45271 46630 43851
Puducherry 1458 1290 1421
Punjab 37700 39611 39836
Rajasthan 95199 102032 106756
Sikkim 1637 1400 1539
Tamil Nadu 82252 86729 96079
Telangana 40934 45003
Tripura 2541 7404 2374
Uttar Pradesh 257355 265454 297746
Uttarakhand 13735 15590 15081
West Bengal 90661 88147 89656
Total 1454610 1607983 1754957


The state level incidence for Tuberculosis has not been estimated, however the total case notified across the states in the last three years is at Annexure.


The total case notification for the last three years for the state of Rajasthan including that from the private sector has been 95199 in 2014, 102032 in 2015 and 106756 in 2016 respectively.

The Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme is being implemented under the aegis of the National Health Mission with the following steps

  • strengthening and improving quality of basic TB services,
  • addressing TB HIV co-infection, other co-morbidities and MDR-TB
  • engaging with care providers both in the public and the private sector
  • targeted intervention in the vulnerable population and strengthening urban TB control along with active case finding activities
  • integrating newer molecular diagnostics for TB  in the health system (CBNAAT) for early diagnosis of MDR TB
  • leveraging of Information Communication Technology for enhancing TB notification and strengthening of monitoring.

According to the WHO Global TB Reports, the estimated proportion of Multi- Drug Resistant TB Cases in India is not increasing. The proportion of MDR cases is estimated to be in between 1.9 – 2.6 percent among new TB cases and between 11- 19 percent among retreatment cases.

However, the detection of MDR-TB/XDR-TB cases has been increasing due to availability of more diagnostic facilities for MDR TB/XDR-TB and coverage of the entire country through Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant TB under the Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP).


Cases of Multi Drug Resistant TB detected for Rajasthan for the last three years are 2050 in 2014, 1930 in 2015 and 2118 for 2016 respectively.


The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Sh Faggan Singh Kulaste stated this in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha here today.




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