Ukraine conflict – Leaders engaged in these conflicts, seem sticking to their own egos : Bhiku Sanghsena

Ten News Network

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Dear peace loving people

Warmest Greetings of peace, from the top of the Snow Mountains of High Himalayas.

Very sadly and unfortunately the situation of Ukraine and Russia conflicts is escalating, It looks like the war already has started in small scale.

The world leaders, who are engaged in these conflicts, seem sticking to their own egos!

The very surprising and shocking is that United Nation is silent?
I think UN was formed to intervene, mediate and help to find ways and means to sort out whenever such situations occur in any parts of the world and avoid wars among the nations. It is very unfortunate and is matter of serious concerned that UN seems to have failed to deliver its main duty!

Last time when similar war like situation was developed on India and China borders, UN was silent and did nothing! The council members of UN must call for emergency meeting and review the main objectives of their organisation UNITED NATIONS.

Alas! Humanity has not learned any lessons from the horrors of the first and second world wars!
What we simple people can do, we can only offer our faithful prayers.

Please pray for the early peaceful solutions of the Ukraine and Russia conflicts.

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