Youth Network #Ghaziabad organised an awareness Rally on the occasion of World Environment Day.

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On Sunday evening, Youth Network Ghaziabad organised an awareness Rally on the occasion of World Environment Day.
The group wanted to aware people on the various hazards caused to our environment. The Rally began from Ram Lila Ground, Kavi Nagar and moved towards C – Block and ended at Raj Nagar, sector 10.
Youth Network Ghaziabad had also arranged street plays during the Rally. The street plays were performed at different locations during the rally, which highlighted environmental issues like cleanliness, plantations and save water. Youth Network Ghaziabad’s president Mayank Chaudhary mentioned that the reason they organised a rally and street play was to make people notice the issues their group has been working on and aware them regarding the same. Almost 100-200 people joined youth network ghazibad for this environment day rally which included school students and sports academy students as well. All of them were full of enthusiasm and slogans could be heard throughtout the rally.
Mayor Ashu Verma, SP Singh and Himanshu Mittal were also present during Rally and Street plays.
From Youth Network Ghaziabad’s team, Madhav, Tanima, Sumit, Arjun, Raghav, Poorva, Yugam, Rishab, Ayush, Shubra, Bhoomika, Nitya, Anisha, Mayank, Raghav Saigal, Priyanshu, Raghav Verma,  and Radhika’s efforts were worth appreciation.
Mayank Chaudhary
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