Out of the 617 instances of severe and serious AEFI, 492 have so far been classified by the AEFI Secretariat of the Immunisation Technical Support Unit at the Union health ministry. Similarly, 124 of the 180 deaths have so far been classified.

Of these 124 deaths, more than 63 (nearly 51%) have been categorised as being caused due to acute coronary syndrome (a range of conditions associated with sudden, reduced blood flow to the heart), or heart attacks. Another 11 deaths (12%) are due to strokes.

However, the data does not ascertain if the deaths were caused due to the vaccine. The National AEFI Committee has so far made public the the causality assessment of only 13 AEFIs, which include 10 deaths, The Hindu reported. The vaccine was not found to have caused death in any of these 10 cases.