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New Delhi

New Delhi – City Developments, Politics, Crime, Events, Civic issues, Schools and Colleges – News

‘Yeh Hai India’ movie brings out real essence of the country

ASHISH TIWARI NEW DELHI : On the globe, film ‘Yeh Hai India’, conceptualized and directed by Lom Harsh, doesn’t just mark India’s vast cultural heritage but also focusses to bring out the very essence of the country in all its forms. The film moves around on Lom’s real life journey to several countries and his observations on the thoughts…

Autism, a highly misdiagnosed condition in #India

Patience and love along with therapy can a child and families and children cope with this condition New Delhi, 04 July 2017: According to a recently conducted study, 1 in 89 Indian children between 2 and 9 years of age are diagnosed with…

BJP crushing dissent: ex-IPS after arrest

TENNEWS A former IPS officer S.R. Darapuri, who was arrested on Monday, along with eight associates in Lucknow, said that he and his mates were not planning to hold any protest at Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath's residence.…