Blood Donation Camp Organized at Galgotias University

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The School of Liberal Education at Galgotias University, in collaboration with the Indian Red Cross Society and National Charitable Blood Centre Noida, organized a blood donation camp today to promote the culture of philanthropy and contribute to community welfare. The main objective of the event was to encourage both students and faculty members to participate in this noble cause, thereby strengthening the values of empathy, social responsibility, and community engagement.

The blood donation camp was meticulously planned and executed with professionals from the Indian Red Cross Society and National Charitable Blood Centre Noida. The event provided students with an opportunity to contribute to the welfare of society and help those in need. Through their participation, students learned the importance of giving back to the community.

The camp was conducted under the guidance of Professor Dr. Anuradha Parasr, Dean of the School of Liberal Education. The drive saw enthusiastic participation from various segments of the university community, including students from different departments, faculty members, and administrative staff. Approximately 100 units of blood were collected throughout the day.
Dr. Dhruv Galgotia, CEO of Galgotias University, emphasized that fostering such philanthropic sentiments among the youth of the country is crucial for national welfare. He expressed strong belief that the blood donation camp at Galgotias University is a symbol of the institution’s core values, promoting a culture of empathy, unity, and selfless service for the betterment of society.

Ms. Aaradhna Galgotia, Director of Operations at Galgotias University, expressed heartfelt pleasure in witnessing the philanthropic spirit of the students at the blood donation camp. She highlighted the importance of community services as part of the curriculum and praised the organization of blood donation camps for its significant role in saving lives. She commended the students for their dedicated participation in contributing to community welfare.

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