CBSE class 12 maths exam: chapter wise preparation tips

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Everyone at one point or the other has heard about board examinations. These exams conducted nation-wide exams decide your career path. The societal pressure that comes with these examinations often causes extreme stress and anxiety in students. This pressure, even though valid, causes a lot of damage to students. The pressure is even worse when it comes to mathematics. If you are a student living and studying in India, it is near to impossible to not experience the pressure to do well in mathematics. 12th grade mathematics with its introduction to calculus is an even bigger monster. 

As a core subject, mathematics requires a thorough knowledge of theories and the correct application of formulae through stepwise logical approaches. Due to its convoluted concepts and weak foundation in students, a lot of them find the subject daunting. Mathematics is the language of nature, no matter what field you choose you are going to end up requiring maths for it. School offers you the best opportunity to clear your basics and build a strong foundation in mathematics which will be fundamental for your future careers. Not to be discouraged by indefinite integrals and their properties, this guide here with chapter wise preparation tips to help you transform maths from a fearful subject to your highest scoring one. 

NCERT mathematics part 1 and part 2 textbooks for cbse class 12 are the best resources for board examinations. Curated by top educators of India, they are concise, straightforward and give an idea about the topics in the most conducive manner. The textbook comprises a total of 13 chapters.


Like any other academic year, 12th grade mathematics also ends with probability. This chapter delves into important concepts of the conditional probability of an event given that another event has occurred, which will, in turn, clarify the Bayes’ theorem, multiplication rule of probability and independence of the event. Probability and statistics are very important in multiple fields such as finance, coding and even biology. Each theorem and its approaches should be practised well. Students should be well versed with the questions so that they are capable of understanding which theorem to apply where. 

Chapter 12 – Linear Programming

In this chapter, students will learn how to derive solutions to linear programs from their graphs. This chapter has multifold applications in all fields of science. Students should practice drawing proper neat graphs with all necessary labels.

Chapter 11 – Three Dimensional Geometry 

This chapter mainly deals with the properties of a plane, line and angle. Students here need to use their imaginative capacities to understand concepts well. 

Chapter 10 – Vector Algebra 

Vector Algebra marks the end of calculus and the beginning of 3 Dimensional geometry. It deals with basic concepts of vectors, various operations on vectors, and algebraic as well as geometric properties. Vectors as previously learned in physics have both magnitude and direction. This chapter will also help you out in physics as well.

Chapter 9 – Differential equations

In this chapter, we apply both the concepts of differentiation and integration to solve problems. One of the most important chapters for CBSE board examinations. Here you will learn about general and particular solutions of a differential equation, formation of differential equations, the number of methods to solve a question based on first order – first-degree differential equation and some applications of differential equations in different areas.

Chapter 8 – Application of Integrals 

As the name suggests, this chapter is for you to apply the concepts learnt in the previous chapter to find out real-life solutions like computing the area given under simple curves, lines and arcs, parabolas and ellipses. For this chapter, you require a strong base and understanding of the logic behind integrals.

Chapter 7 – Integrals

Integrals are the exact opposite of differentiation, also known as anti differentiation. This contrast is highlighted in the formulae where the integral of a function is the differentiation of answer function. Integral Calculus eases the problem of defining and calculating the area of the region bounded by the graphs of the function. Integrals are often thought to be more difficult than differentiation so a lot more practice is required here. Each sum of the ncert should be solved atleast 5-7 times. Vedantu cbse class 12 maths solutions will help you go through solutions of functions that you may find difficult. It is advisable to solve first for yourself then look at solutions.

Chapter 6 – Application of Derivatives

As the name suggests, this chapter mainly deals with application of the previous chapter in finding out real life solutions such as rate of change of quantities, equations of tangent and normal to a curve at a point. The usage of derivatives to find an approximate value of certain quantities is also discussed. To have confidence in this chapter it is imperative to have a good grasp on differentiation. 

Chapter 5 – Continuity and Differentiability 

This chapter marks the beginning of calculus in the textbook. It is the extension of differentiation of functions studied in Class XI. . This chapter includes the concepts of differentiability, continuity, and relations between them. Differentiation of inverse trigonometric functions, exponential and logarithmic functions are some of the concepts covered in this chapter. With introduction of new functions, it is important to note them down and remember them by heart as these will help you solve further complex functions. 

Chapter 4 – Determinants 

Determinants determine the value of a matrix. Here you will study various properties of determinants, cofactors and applications of determinants in finding the consistency and inconsistency of system of linear equations and solution of linear equations in two or three variables using inverse of a matrix, adjoint and inverse of a square matrix and area of a triangle

Deriving matrices from word problems should be given extra attention. Deriving inverse of a matrix is one of the sure-shot long answer questions. A lot of students struggle in getting the inverse right. Thus, a lot of practice is required.

Chapter 3 – Matrix

Matrices are one of the most powerful tools in the field of mathematics that every student should learn properly. Matrices simplify data processing. In this chapter, you will be delving deeper into fundamentals of matrix and matrix algebra. Students here should practice writing matrices and their multiplication

Chapter 2 – Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Here you will learn about the restrictions on domains and ranges of trigonometric functions.  The domains where the inverses exist and are visible. You will also learn about the graphical representation of trigonometric functions and their inverses. Besides, some elementary properties will also be discussed. The inverse trigonometric functions hold great value in calculus for they serve to define many integrals. Inverse trigonometric functions’ concepts are applied vastly in science and engineering. This is a small chapter with a main focus on the properties of inverses. 

Chapter 1 – Relations and Functions 

With the prior knowledge of sets in 11th grade we now have relations and functions which deals with the notion of domain, co-domain and range. Starting with types of relations this chapter delves into modulus functions to binary operations, this chapter deals with different types of relations and their properties. Here, less computing and more writing is required. Students here should focus more on getting acquainted with the format of writing answers.

With each chapter explained in excruciating detail you are now ready to face any examination without fear. 

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