Galgotias University organizes anatomical model and disease pathology exhibition competition

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Galgotias University’s School of Nursing organized an anatomical model and disease pathology exhibition competition, showcasing the knowledge and skills of nursing students in understanding both human anatomy and disease management. The event featured intricate anatomical models representing various body systems alongside exhibits explaining different disease pathologies and their management strategies.

Students demonstrated their understanding of anatomical structures and disease processes through visually engaging displays and informative presentations. Judges evaluated the exhibits based on accuracy, creativity, and the clarity of explanations provided.

The competition fostered a collaborative learning environment, allowing students to exchange ideas and deepen their understanding of both anatomy and disease management. It also provided an opportunity for students to develop important presentation and communication skills essential for their future careers in nursing.

Overall, the event was a success, highlighting the dedication and knowledge of the students at Galgotias School of Nursing in their pursuit of excellence in the healthcare field.

Galgotias school of nursing deen Prof. (Dr.) Lekha Bisht congratulated all nursing students who participated in model exhibition competition. The dedication, passion and ingenuity observed in students were truly inspiring to witness. Each model presented at the exhibition was a testament to students’ creativity and commitment to improving healthcare outcomes. The innovative solutions and thoughtful designs demonstrated by students holds immense potential as future healthcare professionals.

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