Meat-Free week: 5 Food brands that love planet and are offering scrumptious vegan options

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It might surprise a lot of people to know much of an impact going meat free can have on our planet and health. Food is one of the major influence in sustainability. Actually, by making an intentional choice of eating what to eat, one can be the single largest contributor to a personal carbon footprint greater than electricity and transport mostly because of where that food is made and how it has been produced.

Animal products have high carbon footprint. That is, approximately 60% of greenhouse gases produced from food are generated from animal products. Hence, by choosing a vegan diet one can radically increase sustainability factor and green living. Evidently, reducing adverse effects of ecological footprint should also mean causing less harm to animals. By switching to a vegan diet, each individual can save approximately more than 100 animals each year from the cruelty of the meat industry.

Here are 5 Food brands that love the planet that are supporting the movement to eat more plant-based foods with scrumptious vegan options.

BlueTribe: It is a food-tech company that can provide meat from sustainable plant-based sources that are every bit as natural and delicious while also being gentle on the environment and the planet. They aim to build a community that is aware of the impact that the animal supply chain has on the environment and consciously chooses to replace animals from the food supply chain, once and for all. A community that makes positive changes for the health of not only itself but of our little blue planet as a whole. scientists have been able to identify what makes meat, well, MEAT and have been successful in developing it with sources of protein, flavor and texture from plants. Our plant-based meat contains the same concentration of proteins, minerals and other nutrients that you would get from animal meat, without the cholesterol.

Imagine Meats: Imagine Meats is working in partnership with the Indian arm of the global non-profit organisation The Good Food Institute (GFI) that promotes plant-based alternatives to meat, dairy and eggs. We want Imagine Meats to be the choice for anybody seeking the taste of meat, without the guilt of environmental and public health impacts – just as it will be for our own family. It is our mission to make the world kinder and safer for our children, and this is a great start. They want Imagine Meats to be the choice for anybody seeking the taste of meat, without the guilt of environmental and public health impacts – just as it will be for our own family. It is our mission to make the world kinder and safer for our children, and this is a great start

Good Dot: Probably the only startup in India that specialises in plant-based meat, Good Dot took birth when a group of animal lovers in Udaipur joined forces with an animal activist in the US! Currently, they offer two products—vegan mutton and a soy-like variant that is unlike the soy chunks you might have tasted. Having witnessed the unbelievable cruelty involved in animal agriculture, they decided to create a solution that was good for all. According to Gooddot, they believe that the main reason why most people eat meat is its taste. If a product could be created which not only tasted like meat but was an ethical, healthier, and environmentally sustainable alternative to animal meat, people would happily make the switch.

Vezlay: Vezlay Foods Pvt. Ltd. Is Formed To Provide The Nutritious, Healthy And Delicious Vegetarian Foods In Hygienic And Cost Effective Manner. Vezlay soya foods are foods containing rich proteins, rich dietary fiber, good source of calcium and low cholesterol level. Soya Foods are Pure Vegetarian foods and suitable to all kind of food lovers. The taste and texture of our products are very close to non-veg.

Vegeta Gold: It is another company that joined the mock meat bandwagon with the intent of providing alternatives to fish, mutton, and chicken but packed with the same nutrition levels and taste. The main ingredients in driving this change is soya, textured vegetable proteins (TVP), isolated soy proteins, and mushroom. Their products Roasted Soyato and Soyato Fillet among others are next to chicken and fish fillets in palatability but come with a purpose, to reduce the hazardous output meat industry generates every year in producing meat.

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