Relevant Content Key to Success of e-Mail Marketing

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Content is King or in e-mail marketing Relevant Content is the key to successful e-mail marketing. Speakers, across sessions at the Internet and Mobile Association’s (IAMAI) 3rd Email Marketing Summit, spoke about growing content relevance for reaching out to consumers. If content relevance is one aspect, the other for a successful campaign is customer engagement. As Anand Dubey, VP & Senior Marketing Partner – IndusInd Bank said, “A friendly aspect needs to be included in e-mails. An e-mail needs to be relevant to the consumer. Randomly sending e-mails to consumers without knowing their interest will only disengage them. We as marketer need to fight for subject lines. It’s the most important part which should never be misleading. At the end of the day, engaging customers should be the priority and sales will happen eventually.”

Adding to Anand Dubey’s sentiment, Sumit Dave, Global Marketing Leader, GENPACT LLC, said, “Customer’s expectations have changed in B2C segment as they have become much more active. They are interacting a lot on social media and getting information they require. We have to be constantly relevant to the customers with the help of e-mails.”

The 3rd e-Mail Marketing Summit also focussed on the emerging big data analytics to help improve e-mail marketing. Speaking on how Big Data helps e-mail marketing, Vicky Sarin, Business Head & CFO, HT Digital said, “Big Data helps in getting detailed information and helps a marketer in making more sound decision. We can simply say that it squeezes our time and can help us be more productive.”  Speakers pointed out that it might not be too far in future that big data will provide with information not only what types of content recipients are most likely to consume, but when and where they’ll actually open the message.

Speakers at the 3rd e-Mail Marketing Summit agreed that with innovations taking place in the digital arena, e-mail marketing has also reached another level of personalisation. The focus now is to deal with the challenge of creating a truly personalized e-mail experience. Speaking on how e-mail marketing was successful for, Bhavneet Sekhon, Marketing & Client Experience Leader – Experian said, “To communicate effectively through e-mails- one has to take care of subject line and do a lot of testing before sending it to consumers. Hypothesis is the major part of e-mail marketing and we continuously tested the hypothesis before going ahead with one. Open rates were consistently higher and we looked at what a subscriber is engaging with and identified behaviour of customer before going to shopclues with complete data. Every customers has different behaviour. We approached different set of consumers differently. The customer insights are crucial and implementing smart segmentation by device types, trends, attitudes, geography and demography could be very instrumental for pertinent, tailor-made positioning.”

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