Republic Day of our country at Fr. Agnel school, Greater Noida

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GREATER NOIDA TENNEWS REPORTER LOKESH GOSWAMI To honour the nation and to show their patriotism, all Agnelites gathered on the 26 th January to celebrate the 68 th Republic Day of our country at Fr. Agnel school, Greater Noida. Although it was a
chilly morning ,it could not dampen the sentiments occupying every Agnelites’ thoughts and actions.The Chief Guest for the occasion was Mr.Aditya Gildiyal,the president of Association of GreaterNoida Industry and Vice-President of SHIKHAR NGO. The programme commenced with the hoisting of the flag by the C G while the whole schoolsang the national anthem with pride writ large on their faces and patriotism shining on their eyesThe four houses presented a spectacular march past which gained appreciation from young and old. Atishi of class VII delivered a fiery Hindi speech,evoking the spirit of nationalism in everyone.The school choir presented a mesmerising patriotic song.Next
was a wonderful dance performance by the students of Classes III To VIII which left everyone spellbound. The students of standard IX staged an inspiring play depicting true patriotism. The C G then addressed the gathering ,enlightening the students on the constitution and gave an insight the development of India into a democratic republic. Fr.Bento, the manger and Sr.Shamitha ,the principal exhorted every Agnelite to think out of the box and to be the change he/she wants to see in the world.The function concluded with the customary slogan Bharat Mata Ki Jai and Vande Mataram echoing in every corner of the school.

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