Summer School Training Programme on Applications of “AI in Agriculture” inaugurated at Galgotias University

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School of Agriculture, Galgotias University and ICAR-Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture is organising a Two weeks Summer School Training Programme on “Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture.”

Dr. Sudeep Marwaha, Head, Division of Computer Science, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute was the Chief Guest.

Dr. Sahadeva Singh, Dean, School of Agriculture, Galgotias University welcomed the Guest and the participants in the Summer School Training Programme. He ensured that during the course of this training programme, remarkable insights and innovations will emerge from the collective efforts of all.

Director, ICAR-CITH, Dr. MK Verma congratulated Galgotias University for being a pioneering institution dedicated to fostering excellence in education and research. He also emphasized that ICAR-CITH is committed to staying at the forefront of technology and innovation and consistently seeking to empower individuals with knowledge and skills that address the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Dr. HS Gaur, Distinguished Professor, School of Agriculture gave the overview of the programme. He emphasized the fact that AI plays a pivotal role in the parametric systems of agriculture by enhancing precision and efficiency. He also briefed the participants about the series of lectures to be conducted during the course of the training programme.

Vice Chancellor, Galgotias University, Dr. K. Mallikharjuna Babu congratulated the School of Agriculture for such commendable initiative and providing an invaluable platform for participants to connect with like-minded individuals, potential mentors, fostering collaborations and future opportunities. He encouraged the participants to commence this training with enthusiasm, curiosity and a determination to explore the uncharted territories of AI that lie ahead.

Chancellor, Suneel Galgotia welcomed the initiative taken by the school in harnessing the potential of AI to revolutionize the way we approach farming and agricultural practices.

Chief Executive Officer, Dhruv Galgotia stated that AI is becoming an indispensable tool in various sectors, it is only fitting that we leverage its power to address the challenges and opportunities that lie in the realm of agriculture.

Chief Guest, Dr. Marwaha laid emphasis on the fact that this summer school training is comprehensive and aims to bridge the gap between cutting-edge technology and sustainable farming practices. He engaged the participants in a valuable session offering insights into the current state and future prospects of AI in agriculture.

Dr. Uzma Manzoor, Associate Dean, School of Agriculture, Galgotias University presented the vote of thanks. She extended heartfelt gratitude to all the participants, speakers, collaborators and the chief guest for the commitment towards the successful completion of the training programme.

The Summer School Training Programme, scheduled from August 8-August 19, 2023 has brought together aspiring agri-tech enthusiasts, researchers, and professionals to explore the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the agricultural sector. More than 200 participants from India and abroad will have the opportunity to delve into the latest advancements in AI, machine learning, and data analysis, and how these technologies can revolutionize crop management, yield prediction, pest control, and resource optimization.

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