The Prime Minister is scheduled to descend on the land of Varanasi on 22nd December.

The Prime Minister is scheduled to descend on the land of Varanasi on 22nd December. He will visit BHU and will give darshan to his loyal disciple GC Tripathi. Preparations going on, all road side vendors are being displaced forcible from BHU Lanka Gate right now.
Remember how in 2010, when Common Wealth games was organised in Delhi, all slums were covered behind decorative shields so that foreign delegates don’t get to see the poor of India. India needed to look descent. And now, Varanasi, the constituency of the PM himself needs to look descent when the PM arrives there. The poor need to vanish from his eye-site.
PayTM Karo!!

AISA will hold press conference today in Varanasi asking the PM, how does he want BHU to function. We will raise the question of the authoritarian way in which the VC is functioning, the total denial of rights for woman students, violation if mandated reservation in BHU. We demand that the PM speak up on these issues when he comes to BHU. We will also ask him whether the poor road side vendors in his own constituency fall under his claimed policy of ‘Sabka saath sabka vikash’.

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