Galgotias Ad

Ever raising petrol prices is a major contributor towards rising inflation.

Agree ,but it’s give max revenue to both state n central government..Approx rs 1.5-2 lakh crore /annum collected by both

Then why this double talk of market linked Open Price Mechanism by the Government.

This increase in prices of petrol and diesel will have adverse impact on people..Earlier when govt increased excise duty several times the govt saud that if in future prices will go up the excise will be reduced..This is open looting of people.

Inspite of the increase in Government revenues on all counts be it petroleum, taxes etc. Why budget deficit? Where is all the money going?

When crude fell: hike excise
When crude up: hike price

Government is fooling people all the time.

Yes combined failure of central n statement gov be it any party ,any

On the same anolgy our PM miserably failed to address various issues in his address to the nation yesterday.

Increase of petrol prices means more revenues to State and Central Governments because of VAT and Excise components.

Exactly n in some states like Punjab ,Karnataka , Maharashtra,WB ,Tamil Nadu VAT is 30-34%

On the same anolgy our PM miserably failed to address various issues in his address to the nation yesterday.

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