UP CROSSES 16250 MW OF POWER DEMAND @myogiadityanath

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Today UP has crossed 16250 MW of demand ; state generation is touching almost 10000 MW

In last 4 days, UP demand has increased from 12000 to 16000 MW

Tomorrow temperature is expected to cross 41 deg; so demand may increase by another 500-600 MW

Noida- Gr Noida -Gzb region will have functional 400 kV stations by June end, as expected from field reports

UP is all set to cross 18000 MW and may touch 19000 MW this year

As I mentioned earlier too, UP will grow more than 13-14% if power supplies across state including Bundelkhand reached to 25000 MW by 2020; will also prevent migrations of millions of people from rural UP!!!

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