Night urination linked to snoring

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Night urination linked to snoring

New Delhi, August 07, 2016: Sleep apnea, a common but serious sleep snoring disorder, is the root cause of nocturia, or getting up frequently during the night to urinate said Padma Shri Awardee Dr KK Aggarwal – President Heart Care Foundation of India (HCFI) and Honorary Secretary General IMA.

The results of a study conducted by researchers at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, which reported these findings are particularly important for older adults who are at greater risk of falling and being hurt if they must get up frequently during the night to urinate.

People with nocturia often report the problem to their gynecologist or urologist but not a sleep clinician. Doctors most often attribute nocturia to aging in women or to prostate problems in men.

One event per night is within normal limits but two or more events per night may be associated with sleep deprivation.

In sleep apnea, the soft structures in the throat relax and close off the airway. Oxygen decreases, carbon dioxide increases, the heart rate drops and blood vessels in the lung constrict. The heart starts racing and experiences a false signal of fluid overload. Body tries to get rid of sodium and water, resulting in nocturia.

In sleep apnea airway obstruction lasts for 10 seconds or more, and occurs five or more times per hour of sleep. People with the most severe cases of sleep apnea can have more than 100 such events per hour of sleep. Symptoms include snoring, restless sleep with frequent awakenings, excessive daytime sleepiness, and morning headaches.

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About Heart Care Foundation of India

Initiated in 1986, the Heart Care Foundation of India is a leading National NGO working in the field of creating mass health awareness among people from all walks of life and providing solutions for India’s everyday healthcare needs. The NGO uses consumer-based entertainment modules to impart health education and increase awareness amongst people. A leading example of this is the Perfect Health Mela, an annual event started in 1993 that is attended by over 2-3 lakh people each year. The Mela showcases activities across categories such as health education seminars and check-ups, entertainment programs, lifestyle exhibitions, lectures, workshops, and competitions. In addition to this, the NGO conducts programs and camps to train people on the technique of hands only CPR through its CPR 10 mantra for revival after a sudden cardiac arrest. They currently hold three Limca book of world records for the maximum number of people trained in hands-only CPR in one go. Keeping article 21 of the Indian constitution in mind, which guarantees a person Right to Life, Heart Care Foundation of India has also recently initiated a project called the Sameer Malik Heart Care Foundation Fund to ensure that no one dies of a heart disease just because they cannot afford treatment.

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